Chapter 24

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I wake up and cough up water. I look around and find Veronica still asleep. I bend my head down to check if she is breathing, soon finding out she isn't. I place my hands on her chest and pump it in order to do mouth-to-mouth recessitasion. She coughs up water after a few times before opening her eyes.

"Veronica." I smile. She hugs me and I feel a tear drop onto my shoulder.

"It's okay." I sooth, stroking her hair as I hug her closer.

"It was Jasper."

"He was the one who did this to you?" I ask.

"He wanted you to seem like the bad guy."

"Let's go home." I say before standing.

She stands up and we start walking to the house. I changr into a wolf and look at her. She strokes my fur before sitting on my back and wrapping her arms around my neck. I start running towards the house and find the bubble. I slow down and walk through the bubble before laying my eyes on the house.

"I'll explain everything." Roni says reassuringly. I nod and walk up the porch steps, Veronica getting off of me before walking through the door.

"Why are you with him?" Chris snaps, shoving Roni out of the way and walking towards me.

"Because he wasn't the one who did it!" Roni snaps, Chris stopping and looking at her.


"It was Jasper. His brother Prince is part witch. He was probably the one who gave Jasper the spell to shape shift." Veronica explains.

"Why are you in your wolf form?" Felicity asks after petting me.

I lick her hand and kneel. She sits on my back and wraps her arms around my neck. I walk with her upstairs, Nathan following us. She yawns as we enter her room. I climb onto the bed and get under the blanket before changing into my human form.

"Good night, Felicity." I whisper, Nathan crawlin into the bed and lying down next to her.

"Just stay here, okay?" I state, Nathan nodding.

"Good night." Felicity smiles before wrapping her arms around Nathan.

I walk out of the room and downstairs. I look into the living room and sit down on the couch. Chris and Tori are sitting on the floor in front of the fire. Miles and Lin are on the couch next to Roni and I. Dylan and Ivy are sitting against the wall. Cat and Ryan are asleep upstairs. Shane and Bridget are sitting against the side of the couch, Matt and Addy asleep upstairs.

"It's not safe here anymore." Chris says suddenly.

"Then why don't we move?" I butt in.

"Are you insane?" He snaps at me.

"I'm serious. Everyone knows where we are and our weaknesses."

"If we leave without a trace they won't know where to look." Tori agrees.

"But wherever we go there will be mafias already there." Bridget adds worriedly.

"Then we move to the mortal realm." Roni suggests.

"No." Chris snaps.

"Yes." Miles agrees with Roni.

"We will get killed." Chris hisses.

"We are better off in the mortal realm than here." Shane states.

"If we stay here, Jasper's mafia will just keep coming." Ivy adds.

"Going to the mortal realm will make us seem normal and give us a few months, maybe even a year to be okay for once." Dylan states, calculating the outcomes in his head.

"We don't have money. Let alone enough people to move everything quickly. And we can't just pack up and leave. Where would we go?" Chris says.

"I can get the money." Felicity says from the stairs.

"I can get my father's people and the money without stealing." Roni adds.

"I have friends from the mortal realm. I can pull a few strings and get us a home in less than a week." Lin adds, her eyes lingering on me before she turns away to look at Miles.

"Everyone would have to go to school." Chris adds.

"I can find a school within a 5 to 10 mile radius of the house Lin gets." Shane reassures him.

"Clothes, shoes, food, water? Places for us to hide and hunt?"

"There are grocery stores and malls everywhere. And it's better if we live away from populated areas anyway." Roni states, Milss nodding in agreement.

"I can find something, hunting wise. I am a wolf after all." I state.

"How fast can you get your people to come and pack, get us a home and get us money?" Chris aks no one in particular.

"I can get the money tonight. Just need to make a call." Felicity smirks, grabbing her phone.

"I can get my people on it with a phone call." Roni nods in agreement.

"I can call my friends today and ask them to be quick." Lin adds.

"Just one question." Miles starts.

"Where would we live?"

"Any requests?" Lin asks.

"France." Tori blurts out.

"Too expensive." Roni chuckles.

"California." Miles suggests.

"It isn't as great as it sounds." Lin chuckles, looking at me as I remember when we went to Cali.

"Arizona." I suggest.

"Too hot." Chris states.

"Los Angeles?" Felicity chimes in.

"Maybe." Bridget says.

"Not the U.S." Nathan whines as he comes down turns stairs.

"Europe." Roni speaks.

"That'll be our back up plan?"

"Canada?" Bridget asks, everyone nodding.

"That's more like it. Let's live there." Chris smiles, Veronica lighting up a cigarette. She smokes it before handing it to Miles, who, after his turn, hands it to Dylan. The front door swings open and Veronica points her gun at the door.

"Veronica." Someone says with a smile.

"Nicolas!" She smiles before running to him.

"I missed you so much."

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