4. The city of criminals

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Have you ever known someone for years yet you don't actually know them? That's how I felt about Chrollo Lucifer. It's been three years since I met him but I never actually looked into his life. Who is he?

Why does he want to know me? Is it because I'm famous? All these people have been popping up around me. They're all interesting of course but...still.




~Clown dude

~Black haired assassin


I've met so many people and I've seen so much stuff ever since I met him...What do I know so far? That he most likely killed the blonde haired boys parents, family, friends, and everyone else the guy had ties with. All because of some, what? Eyes? 

I don't feel bad for Kurapika though, I feel bad for the both of them. Chrollo and Kurapika.

That's why I am heading to Meteor City, I'm going to get my answers, all while being undercover.

People may know me as Y/N F/N but I have a different identity, sometimes I'm Levis Dragnelia. Only when I need to be of course, I've used that identity only for vacations.

Does it really matter though? Am I just being snoopy because I met Kurapika? Why am I driving to a town that nobody knows of? Chrollo might be a good guy. 

I stepped out of my car and I looked at the dusty old city. It was sad, really. The only people to be sighted were in white protective suits with helmets and they were very anti-social. 

Overall the city was amazing. I slid on a black face mask and walked into a church, abandoned but ok for checking out. 

Before I could head inside someone grabbed me by the throat and they threw me against the wall.

Black and yellow spots filled my eyes and the guy in front of me was wearing all black- he had an umbrella and a black not unlike a bandanna mask covering his nose and mouth. "Who you? This our turf, and you...complete amateur."

Wow. I wasn't expecting to see a complete hottie- no wait that's off topic. I'm not going to lie to this dude. "I'm Y/N F/N, known as the fucking supreme, you?"


Y/N F/N, the girl who sought out the spiders but got captured by one instead? Yup. The f*cking supreme in general wasn't very...well supreme.

She was dragged into the church and tied up in front of three people, one named Feitan, the other Machi who she had met a while back, and the next? Pakunoda. I'm Pakunoda. The woman who is touching her right now and in shock.

What was I seeing? Well...

The true last name of Y/N was Zoldyck according to the baby that sat in the large man's arms. Silva Zoldyck...my eyes curved as I remembered when he fought Danchou.

This girl that sat in front of me was muttering curses and lyrics that nobody would understand except for her. "Where's Chrollo?"She kept on asking, why exactly is she asking that? She doesn't know him-

"You know boss?"Feitan asked his accent flooding in. "She does."I answered and she smirked.

"Make me a spider. Whatever number it is, I don't care." This girl...was truly lonely. When she ordered us to make her a spider that sent a shiver down my spine and she grinned.

From out of the shadows came boss and Machi walked away. "Y/N...what are you doing here?"He asked


Before I could answer him Machi whispered "Tell the truth N/N" and she disappeared in the direction Chrollo came from.

"I'm here because I want to be a spider. Honestly, you think I would come just for art inspiration? Nah, it's been a while Luci."

(Luci stands for Lucifer, Chrollo's last name)

He sighed and pointed at the shadows. "Hisoka, train her." Before I could even react I had been pulled by an invisible force outside to wear a CLOWN was walking outside.

I actually recognized him, the pedophile from a few years ago! "I am not interested in you, you're 18 right? Prove your value."He whispered in my ear and he walked off back into the church, jeez. That was fucking creepy.


"If you're depressed and you know it clap your hands!"

I clapped


I clapped.


and once again, I clapped.

Who was singing this? Me and I was  abandoned in an alleyway. A week ago, Hisoka dragged me around with weird invisible stuff and left me here telling me to prove my worth, also he had to go somewhere to take some sort of exam.

I sighed and stood up brushing off the dirt that was layered down on my legs "I really need to take a bath..."I muttered and I was hit by an idea

When you get hit by an idea, you follow it, so it wasn't much of a surprise that me, a famous artist broke into a mansion to take a freaking bath.

Sadly, there were only showers and I was found by a five-year-old who thought I was one of her maids or some shit.

|1 month later|

Apparently, Hisoka only left me alone so he could stalk a person who he needed to kill, he would take his first Hunters exam next year, and leave me alone for a month or 2 weeks.

"So what do you like the most?"He asked as he cleaned his fingernails and I blinked

"Drawing, of course." and we went off from there.

For the rest of the year, he gave me notepads but no pencils or anything to draw with, so I used blood and dirt and charcoal to draw tiny prints and words on the blank pieces of paper. After that, he took the notepad away and left me in an everlasting tunnel of nen.

During that time, I found materials and drew, soon enough I had developed my nen ability.

ARTISTS HAND: Unknown, only developed by Y/N F/N or Y/N Zoldyck

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