8. tests x of x tests

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[second episode, sub]

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[second episode, sub]

we stared at the old lady and watched as she put her hair in a bun, old ladies can be cute!

our surroundings were pretty abandoned though, and creepy. even the dumpsters seemed like a ghost town!

"exciting." I blinked, she finally talked! 

"uhm- exciting?"leorio asked and the lady still had her eyes closed, it was like she knew we were there! a chill went up my spine and I smiled, this IS a test, isn't it? hisoka didn't prepare me for this type of shit, but still.

"TIME FOR THE EXCITING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ!!" I jumped and fell on my butt, surprised the old lady could make that much noise.

suddenly I realized that there were other people with wigs, and white masks when they played a fanfare, even though I was trained by hisoka it seemed that this exam kept on surprising me.

"let me take a guess, you boy's are headed for the cedar on the hill, right?"

"uh miss, I'm a girl..." I muttered under my breath and I sighed, she wasn't listening at all.

"you have to pass through this town, that's the only way. or...you could just give up. either way, you might as well live your life. the only way to pass is to answer my question correctly."

"you must answer after 5 seconds-"

"wait a second! what the hell is going on here you geezer?!"

I sweatdropped at the old man, he was a geezer too that leorio.

kurapika smiled, "oh I see! it's another trial we have to take before entering the hunters exam." HIS SMILE WAS SO CUTE-

"that's it? guess I'm lucky that I'm an expert at quizzes!"leorio bragged


"hey, hey, hey! hurry it up, or I might answer first, ya know?" I stood up and turned around, to see the guy who had been following us, if it was my choice or if I could, I would've killed him.

good for him that I have a heart..."

"who the fu- heck are you?!"leorio pressed angrily, the old man sure has anger issues...

gon blinked "you didn't know leorio? he's been following us for a few hours now."|

kurapika looked as if he had known, leorio seemed clueless as ever though, a few years ago I might've been as well.

"sorry kid, didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help to hear you guys talking." the dude had black shortened hair and looked ordinary...

"what'd you mean kid? leorio is a geezer!" I exclaimed pointing at him, even though I'm 19, I guess I can be childish at times.

leorio wasn't listening, so he wasn't offended.

kurapika sighed and crossed his arms "he seems pretty eager to me, should we let him go first?"

and we agreed on letting him go first, although it was obvious that he wasn't going to pass.

"now here is your question."

my ears perked up and I watched the old lady. "your mother and your true love have been kidnapped, you can only choose one, who do you save?"

the guy didn't seem surprised but me and leorio, it's simple to say we were mad.


the buzzer dings and I bring my attention back to the old lady and the boy.

"I save my mother, obviously. lovers can be replaced! like how dumb are you stupid old lady? idiotic..."

I grit my teeth and hold myself back from killing the asshole. she didn't smile or feel amusement at all. "pass." she said and he grinned 


he didn't pass at all! he just ran in the opposite direction, the true idiot here.


"alright now, your question is-" you know the times where you can't pay attention and stare off into space daydreaming? yeah...

'oh gods,     machi is so cute, and chrollo, and feitan, and kurapika-' a soft liquid bled out of my nose, and I realized that yes, I was left alone.

the old lady was gone and I was standing in the same alleyway. alone.

god, fucking dammit y/n!

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