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Chuuya P.O.V again

As Durin lead me through the paths. I felt myself growing more and more excited as my chest tightened and my hands clenched at the reigns of my horse.

The temperature started to drop as there was a slight cold breeze passing by us every few seconds. I might dare say that I could see a blue tint in the wind as it swirled in between us.

I could start seeing speckles of silver illuminate the ground.

"That dandelion. It's so shiny?"

I said. Durin didn't look back as he replied.

"That means we're close."

"How long have we been walking for? Where are we?"

"Much farther than most people. That's for sure."

I questioned why anyone else hadn't come to this part of the forest. It was a forest with apples that would keep you and your loved ones together.

"How come nobody rarely comes here?"

I finally asked. Durin continued walking forward into the direction of the forest where you could see it from afar. Which you could spot silver trunks and specks of gold.

"Have you not heard the tale? Of the girl and her prince."

I tried to recall what he meant. The book that Yosano showed me that involved with the golden apples that are destined to bring u together with your lover.

The woman somehow chose a forbidden apple without knowing that not all the apples possess the same ability to bring loved ones together. Ultimately murdering her prince.

Realizing now why many people don't come near this forest.


The man replies with a mumble.

"How does one tell if the apple is forbidden or not?"

Durin without looking back replies,

"You don't. No human can. It's all the same for you humans. But I'm one of the spirits. In our eyes. It's much easier to indicate which one is ok to have or not. "

He lets out a laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't pick a bad one for you."

His hand waving casually towards me in a motion telling me to relax.

"We're able to detect bad energy from anything magic related."

By this time we have reached the grounds of the forest and the silver trees start appearing more.
The leaves were white like pearls and I could spot the gold specks I saw from afar as the golden coloured apples.

"Beautiful, aren't they."

Durin exclaims.  Getting close to one of the trees letting his fingers crawl down the twisted trunk.



"Your on a horse. Can you reach for that tall branch over there and lower it down for me?"

I do as told and lowers down a long silver thin branch adorned with what looks like soft and small bundles of white leaves that look as if they could fall of with even the slightest touch.

Durin eyes the shining apple and wraps a hand around it. It almost fit perfectly in his palms and he begins to twist the apple off of its stem.

The light sun colour from the apple begins to melt away the most he twists the apple off the tree to reveal a deep beautiful red.

Durin stares at the apple as if it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Gripping it with both hands and his eyes wide. Biting his lower lip.


He snaps back and looks at me.


He hands over the fruit and places it in my palm.

"Are you ready to give it to your special someone?"

He smiles.

A/N: istg- I wouldn't even be posting this rn if it weren't for all the incredibly nice feedback some of y'all are giving me 💓 it actually makes me really happy to see people still reading and asking me to update. I'm so sorry for being so incredibly inactive.
I'm kind of stuck rn with how to continue the story plus other things. But I love everyone who's still reading.

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