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"WHAT CLASS DO YOU HAVE first?" Draco asks you as he's buckling his belt.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts. You?"

"Yeah, me too. We might even get a seat together and have some fun under the table." He says with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. You scoff at him, rolling your eyes while doing your blouse up. You intertwine your fingers in his once you are both decent.

"Come on, you." You say as you drag him out of the classroom, you're too busy giggling and flirting with Draco to notice someone walking right past.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you turn your head to see who you've collided with. "Oh, Hermione, hey" you're suddenly very aware that you're holding Draco Malfoy's hand. Hermione's eyes flit to your entwined hands and back to your eyes, brows furrowed. She takes a step backwards. You turn to Draco.

"Hey, I um, I'll catch up with you, okay?" He narrows his eyes, as if unsure he wants to leave your side. "I'm okay, I'll be five minutes." You reassure him with a gentle smile, you both release the others hand, but you crave his touch immediately. You watch as he saunters away, glancing over his shoulder at you, and see him stop in an alcove on the other side of the corridor. That will have to do.

You shake the thought of him out of your head and turn to face Hermione. "Hi, are you okay? I haven't seen you much since we returned."

"Bec, what do you think you're doing? Why are you with him?" She says in a hushed tone.

"Hermione, he's in my house, he- he's in my friend group. I'm with him more often than not and you know that."

"Rebecca, you know what I mean. You're- you're with him, aren't you? As in, together?"

"No, I'm-I'm not-" your voice fades as you're trying to think straight. "You know what, yeah. Yeah, I am with him. And he makes me feel more alive than I have ever felt. So, you can think what you want about me, but I'm actually happy when I'm with him."

"He has put you down and cussed you out at every opportunity he had over the past four years. And he has done that, unwavering, because you are friends with me. Because, he thinks my blood is dirty. And now you're sleeping with him?"

"Hermione, I-" before you can continue, Hermione cuts you off.

"Just save it for someone who cares." She walks away before you can say anything else, past Malfoy, holding his glare.

You stand still for a moment before walking over to Malfoy, holding back your tears.

"What did she have to say?" He asks.

"Malfoy, why are you all of a sudden interested in me?" Your eyes fill with tears, making him a little blurry.

"We're back to surnames now, are we? What did she say? She's clearly said something to upset you!" He's started raising his voice, a few 3rd years halt and look towards you both, before hurrying away when they see Malfoy.

"Just answer my question, after 4 years of calling me names and not liking me, why the sudden change of heart?" Your tears are starting to flow down your cheeks. "I don't understand how you've went from hating me, to wanting to fuck me so sudden?" You wipe your tears away, feeling embarrassed.

"Becca, I never hated you. But," he stops for a moment, pressing his lips into a hard line and looking away.

"But, what?!"

"But what do you think my father would say if he knew I was pursuing a blood traitor?"

"Wow." You stare at him a moment, you can't believe what he's just said to you. "Wow, you really let your father have that much say in your life?"

"No, you have no idea how much say he has in my life." He's whispering now, leaning in so no one can hear. "Listen, we're going to be late to class if we don't go now. But just, please let me explain this to you later."

You pause for a moment, he's so close you can smell his breath again. That peppermint scent you've come to love seems to be taking over all your senses. "Okay." And with that, you both head to DADA in silence.

You reach the classroom just in time, sliding into the table nearest the back of the class. Lux turns to greet you, but noticing the tear tracks down your cheeks her brows furrow and she mouths "what's wrong?" You shake your head at her and mouth back "later." She gives you a little smile and nods. Blendiarmus. You quickly cast a spell to fix your base makeup so no one else can tell you've been crying.

"There will be no need for that in my class, Miss?" You look up to see Umbridge staring at you, that stupid smile still painted on her face. You hadn't even noticed her come in.

"Um, Havelock. Rebecca Havelock." The full class turns to look at you, then back at Umbridge as she continues talking, some nonsense about not using spells in her class. Draco squeezes your hand reassuringly underneath the table. You hold onto his hand, although your mind is unsure about why he is even interested in you. Hermione has seemed to plant a seed in your brain that is growing by the second. You're brought out of your thoughts by Harry shouting.

"It's not a lie, I saw him! I fought him!"

"Detention, Mr. Potter!" Harry really seemed to be getting under Umbridge's skin.

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?"

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"It was murder. Voldemort killed him. You must know this--"

"Enough! Enough."

You were divided on the whole situation. Was You-Know-Who really back? Surely, your parents would have told you. Your father, like Draco's, had been a death eater in the First Wizarding War. If he really was back, you and Draco would be the first to know. Wouldn't you?

You glance to Draco, but his gaze is focused on Harry and Ron, his face twisted in a grimace.

The class finishes and as you get up to leave, Draco grabs your arm.

"Are you coming to my dorm tonight? I'm having a-

"A party. Yeah, I know." You sigh. You're exhausted already and it isn't even lunch yet. "Zabini already told me. What time?"

"No, come before the party, as soon as you can after dinner. I'll be waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll see you then. I'm going to have to tell Lux about us, she knows I've been crying and is going to ask. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. Whatever you need. I'll see you tonight." And with that you turn to Lux, and take a deep breath.

You walk through the halls together, making your way to Charms. You start to tell her everything, from minor details in Draco's dorm to the conversation with Hermione.

"Well, I didn't see that coming."

"Trust me, neither did I. But he just ignites my whole body. I feel so alive with him, you know?"

"Well girl, if you're happy, I'm happy."

"Don't get me wrong, I am. I just can't seem to understand it. Why after all these years of being awful to me is he suddenly into me? It's a total 180."

"I mean, I don't know. But you know who his family is, right? I mean, they would probably kill him if they knew he was rubbing elbows with someone who's best friend is a mudblood."

"Yeah, that's what he said too. But his father shouldn't have that much say over his life."

"Well, put yourself in his shoes. What would you do if your family hated Malfoy? And everything he stood for? If you were attracted to him, but you had to hate him. Surely, you would just make him hate you. It's the easy route."

"I guess you're right." you both arrive outside of the Charms classroom. "Thanks Lux."

She throws her arm over your shoulder. "What are friends for, right?" And with that you both walk into Charms.

A/N Hi! I'm working on the next chapter already, please leave comments and let me know if you have any suggestions! And please vote/comment/share! Tysm 💕

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