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YOU ALL SIT AROUND THE TABLE AT Malfoy Manor, awaiting the Dark Lord's arrival. Your eyes shift between your father, who was opposite you, and Blaise who was a couple of seats down from your father. He had never attended a death eater meeting before. Draco's hand was planted firmly in yours as he sat in the chair next to you.

Your eyes fall to Lucius. He was unkempt, a shell of the former man he used to be. You could barely stand to look at him, he seemed to be the root of all of Draco's problems. You couldn't help but dislike him.

But the person you really couldn't bring yourself to look at, was Professor Burbridge. Her body was floating above the table, you knew it was coming. After all, Draco had told you they'd captured her and locked her in the dungeon weeks ago. You wondered how long it would be until Luna was the one in her position. Hanging above the Malfoy dinner table.

You hear the familiar sound of disapparation as the dark Lord appears, taking his seat at the head of the table. Snape enters after everyone else, Draco had said he was set to be the headmaster of Hogwarts. You couldn't imagine seeing anyone but Dumbledore stood at the front of the Great Hall on your first day back. Not that it mattered, you had a feeling you would never set foot in Hogwarts ever again, at least not as a student.

The dark lord invites Snape to sit, as they begin to discuss the take down of Harry Potter. Snape had caught wind that he was scheduled to be moved to a safe house. You zone out, not particularly interested in hearing the minor details. Luckily this matter didn't concern you. Neither yourself, Draco or Blaise were required for this mission. You're brought out of your thoughts and back to the room when you notice Professor Burbridge's body begin to float further up the table towards the dark Lord.

You tighten your grip on Draco's hand as it takes everything in you to keep quiet, to not stand and object. To defend her.

"Her speciality was muggle studies." You hear Voldemort hiss, gaining a laugh from the other death eaters. You and Draco stay silent. "It is Miss Burbridge's belief that muggles are not so different from us." He goes on, continuing to besmirch her name, as the death eaters make noises of disgust.

"Severus- Severus! Please! We're friends!" You hear Burbridge whisper to Snape. Snape's expression doesn't change, he barely even blinks. The dark Lord raises his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Professor Burbridge's body drops to the table, with a beam of green light, her face landing right in front of you and Draco. You hear a small whimper come from Draco, before he gulps regains his composure. You look around, luckily no one seemed to notice his lapse. You stroke his hand with your thumb, trying with all your might not to look at the dead body of one of your professors lying on the table in front of you. The dark Lord then summons his snake.

"Nagini, dinner." You watch as the snake slithers up the length of the table, reaching your Professor. You turn the other way and close your eyes. After what feels like a lifetime, you feel Draco stand from his seat, as you follow his lead, keeping your eyes shut until you are out of the room. You hear the sound of multiple disapparations from behind you as he pulls you up the stairs towards his bedroom.

"Bec?" You hear your father calling from the bottom of the stairs. Draco turns to you, you nod your head to let him know you're okay. He begrudgingly lets go of your hand and heads to his bedroom.

"Hi, dad."

"Hi love, how are you?" He searches your face for any sign of distress.

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