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TRIGGER WARNING-scroll to bottom

YOU AND DRACO STUMBLE OUT of the room of requirement, shutting the door behind you.

"I couldn't do this without you." He says, cupping your face and placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

"Oi! What are you two doing here?"

You both glance to the side and see Filch has turned the corner, spotting the both of you in front of the now concealed door.

"Shit." Draco murmurs, dropping his hand from your face.

Filch runs towards you both and grabs Draco by the scruff of his neck, holding you by the arm with his other free hand.

"What are you doing you slimy little- ah!" Filch pulls harder on Draco's collar, making him shout out. You interrupt before he can make things worse.

"We were invited to Slughorn's party! We just stepped out for a moment." Your plan mustn't have been that well thought out as he doesn't believe a word you are saying. He continues to drag you down the steps and throws open some doors, revealing the Slug Club party.

"Take your hands off us, you filthy squib!" You hear Draco shout.

The party stops and everyone turns to look at the both of you, as Filch drags you over to Professor Slughorn.

"Professor Slughorn, Sir. I just discovered these two lurking in an upstairs corridor. They claim to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, okay!" Draco interrupts.

"We were gatecrashing!" You shout, looking over to Draco.

"Happy?" Draco asks Filch.

Snape takes a step towards you both, "I'll escort him out." He drawls.

Draco pulls himself out of Filch's grip, walking closer to Snape and whispering something. Snape's eyes shoot to you. "The girl, too." Filch let's go off his grip from you as you rub your arm. Draco grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him, his gaze never sleeping Snape's.

"Certainly, Professor." Draco snarls, you can almost see his face twisted into a grimace by the sound of his voice. Draco turns and walks towards the exit, followed by Snape. You look around at everyone before following after them.

You pass Blaise as you walk towards the exit who's giving you a confused look. He knew about Draco's task, but you presume Draco had never told him you were helping him. He grabs your arm and pulls you to the side of the room.

"Havelock, what are you doing? You shouldn't be mixed up in this." Clearly, he had put two and two together.

"Blaise, it's fine. Draco can protect me from it. And even if he couldn't, I can make my own decisions."

"You're putting your life in danger." His eyes scan the room to make sure no one is listening in. 

"What do you expect me to do? Huh, Blaise? Leave him alone in this? Can't you see that he needs someone?! How would you feel, if you were chosen? If you were the one in his shoes?" He lowers his eyes to the ground and hangs his head. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You couldn't handle it all alone." With that, you turn and walk out into the halls, catching up to Draco and Snape.

You hear their voices before turning a corner, seeing Snape pinning Draco against a wall.

"Professor, what the hell!" Neither of them acknowledge you.

"I was chosen! This is my moment!" Draco hisses at him. His eyes look to you after a moment, causing Snape to turn his head and lock eyes with you.

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