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THE WHOLE ROOM IS SILENT for a moment, you share a panicked glance with Draco, then turn your attention to Lux; hoping she'll say something.

"Well, at least I definitely know he's making you happy." Lux says, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Well, I mean I wouldn't say tha-"Draco shoots you a look, narrowing his eyes as you smirk back at him.

"Wait, you knew?!" Zabini interrupts, Lux just shrugs her shoulders. "Not cool Malfoy, I thought we were best friends." He says, with a sad look in his eyes.

"High five, mate!" Nott says, walking over to Malfoy and holds his hand up. Everyone raises an eyebrow at him as you push him away and scoff.

"Guys, please don't make a big deal out of this!" You say, going over to sit down on one of the leather settees.

"Not a big deal? This is a huge deal!!" Goyle says and you roll your eyes at him.

"Oh, lord. Someone pass me a drink." Malfoy says, walking over to a bottle of firewhiskey and flicking the top off, he chugs it straight from the bottle. You giggle at him.

"Are you two like in love or some shit?" Crabbe asks. Lux hits him on the arm with a cushion from the settee.

"What? No." You and Draco both say simultaneously, glancing at each other and smirking.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but I just heard two of my best mates shagging in the bathroom, kinda would like to take my mind off that. Who wants to get this party started?" lots of "definitely," "yep!" And "please," is heard from around the room, including yourself. "Anyone?" Zabini says, pulling a bag out from the inside pocket of his robe.

Several more shouts of agreement are heard across the room as everyone gets up and sticks a hand out. He hands each of you a small, circle pill and you all take it gladly, swallowing it down with firewhiskey.

"Where are Daphne and Pansy?" You ask Lux.

"They left, said they were going to go change. They should have been back by now though." She shrugs her shoulders at you and continues drinking. "Music, anyone?" Everyone cheers as Lux turns on the radio and a song by weird sisters starts playing. She drags Zabini up and they start dancing in the middle of the room.

Draco comes over to sit beside you on the couch, and throws an arm around your shoulder. By this time the pill you all had taken has started to take effect. "You enjoying the party?" He says into your ear, shouting over the music.

"Yeah, I am. The beginning was touch and go there for a minute. Why do our friends have to be so punctual?" He throws his head back and laughs, and you smile as you feel your heart swell in your chest. "It's a damn shame as well," he starts. "I was really enjoying having my own dirty little secret." He grabs your thigh, the metal of his ring digging into your leg, and you can feel your pulse in places you never thought you could. You all continue drinking and talking and dancing, Lux coming over to you and hugging you.

"I'm going to need details over that later," she says, as you both start giggling.

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?" Lux suggests, turning the music down and holding up an empty bottle of firewhiskey. Everyone stands and goes to sit on the floor in a circle, just as there's a knock on the door that stops you all in your tracks. "Did anyone use a silencing charm?" Nott whispers, you all look around at each other, blankly.

"Guys, it's me!" You hear Daphne say from the other side of the door. You all let out a sigh of relief as Malfoy goes to open the door, much to your surprise she walks in, still in her robes, and there's no Pansy. You shoot a look at Lux. You whisper through gritted teeth "did they hear too?" Lux nods at you, not taking her eyes from Daphne. "Thanks for the fucking warning." She turns and mouths, 'sorry' to you and pouts.

Oh no, no, no, this is not good. Pansy already didn't like you, the last thing you need is for her to hate your guts. You hadn't thought she would find out so soon, so you hadn't thought of what to say. They hadn't ever actually gotten together as far as you knew, but still, you knew she had feelings for him and you slept with him, anyway. Multiple times! Shit, this isn't going to end well. Daphne shoots you a look, oh god, is she angry at you too? Fucking excellent.

Everyone continues to sit down in a circle. Goyle is sat next to Nott, then there is Daphne, Zabini, Lux, Crabbe, You and Malfoy, then back to Goyle again. Lux leans forward on her hands and knees and places the bottle in the middle of the circle, you see Zabini trying his hardest not to look at her arse, making you giggle to yourself. Draco looks at you, raising an eyebrow in question, you widen your eyes and nod your head in Zabini's direction, a smile playing on your lips, as Draco notices and starts laughing too. Promising to tease him about it later. Your attention is brought back to the game as Lux spins the bottle and sits back down.

"Okay," Lux says enthusiastically. "What'll be, Nott? Truth or dare?"

"Dare, of course, m'lady" he responds nudging Goyle and laughing, who laughs in return.

"Okay, I'll give you an easy one to start with. I dare you to take off your shirt."

"Easy," he scoffs, removing his shirt. "Done. My turn to spin." He grabs the bottle and spins it as it lands on Zabini. "I dare you to kiss Lux." He says before he even has a chance to choose truth or dare. You glance to Lux and see her eyes widen as she pushes her lips into a line to keep her from smiling.

"I'm down if you are?" Zabini says, inching closer to Lux. She responds and meets his lips as they start to kiss and you all whoop and cheer.

"Okay, okay. My turn now." Zabini says as he leans forward and spins the bottle. It lands on you. "Ooooo, okay. Becca, I dare you to give Goyle a lap dance."

"Piss off Zabini, she's not fucking doing that you motherfu-"

"Woah, woah, simmer down Malfoy. It was only a joke. You need some therapy or some shit." He says as he and Nott burst into laughter. As Crabbe and Goyle share glances, trying to hold in their laugh. Draco wraps his hand around your waist, taking another sip of firewhiskey. Not finding Zabini's joke very funny.

"Okay, Bec. Snog Malfoy since he's such a boring bastard." You laugh and turn to Draco, placing a hand on his cheek as he grabs the back of your head. "Piss off, Zabini." He says as his lips come to meet yours. You feel his tongue trying to get access to your mouth and so you open, swirling your tongues together.

"Woowoo!!!" Your friends start to whistle and shout as you pull away from the kiss, a huge grin on your face.

It's your turn to spin the bottle now. You watch as it goes round and round, slowing down and coming to a stop at Daphne. "Truth or dare, Daphne?" You say sheepishly. "Truth." She shoots back. Before you can think of a question to ask, she starts talking.

"I actually have my own truth question I want to ask. Are you two like, exclusive now?" She says with a grimace, looking between you and Draco, bringing the mood down. Before you can speak, Draco starts.

"Yeah, we are. Problem?" He glares at Daphne.

"Yeah, I have got a problem. I've got a problem with you leading Pansy on for the last four years and then allowing her to come to your dorm and hear you fucking some blood traitor. I mean, what the fuck? Didn't you despise Havelock like, two minutes ago?"

"Oh fuck off, Greengrass. I've never led Parkinson on. I told her I didn't want anything more to do with her at the end of summer, she was the one who decided to turn into a desperate whore. And how I feel towards Becca has shite all to do with you or Parkinson."

Daphne stands and glares at you and Draco, before storming out of the dorm and slamming the door behind her. Everyone is silent for what feels like a lifetime.

"Wow, okay, well that just gave us all a real bad buzz." Nott breaks the silence and grabs another bottle of firewhiskey. "Top up, anyone?" Everyone lifts their cup up for Nott to fill, you stand up and grab Draco's hand, pulling him into the bathroom as people continue their conversations.

"Colloportus. Muffliato." You lock the door and cast a silencing charm, learning from your previous mistake.

"You were with Pansy this summer?"

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