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YOU AND DRACO LEAD THE REST OF the death eaters through the castle, all of you gripping your wands. You turn the corner and catch a glimpse of the door leading to the bottom of the astronomy tower, just as Granger and Longbottom round the other corner. You all freeze, raising your wands at one another.

"Bec?" Granger glances to Neville then back to you. "Bec, what are you doing with them?" She shakes her head in disbelief, narrowing her eyes at you.

You clench your jaw and stand your ground. don't respond, keeping your wand raised at her face, ready to throw a hex should you have to. Granger may have been more studious than you, but she had never been able to beat you in a duel. You were always much faster than her, able to block any spell she threw your way.

"Shut your fucking mouth, mudblood." Greyback shouts at her, making her take a step back at the sight of him.

"Don't you speak to her like that!" Longbottom shouts. Fucking stupid Gryffindor, always trying to be the hero. Why couldn't they just fucking turn around and walk away?

Bellatrix begins to cackle, suddenly stopping f and raising her wand, firing hex after hex at the two of them. They begin shielding and throwing hexes back in her direction, as you and Draco shield yourselves. Suddenly a hand grabs the back of your blazer, throwing you towards the stairs.

"Get your fucking hands off her, Yaxley!" You hear Draco shout. He rushes over and pushes Yaxley off of you, placing himself between the two of you.

"She has a fucking job to do." Yaxley raises his wand to Draco as you and Draco both point yours back at him.

"Yaxley, let them go! Both of them!" Bellatrix shouts. He glares at the both of you for a moment before turning and helping the others. It looked like some of the other members of the DA had arrived now. "GO!" Bellatrix shouts again, not taking her eyes from the DA members standing before her, continuing to cast wordless spells.

Draco turns to you, grabbing your hand as you open the door to the stairs of the astronomy tower. You can hear voices from up above. "I thought he was going to be alone?" You whisper to Draco. He doesn't acknowledge you as he begins running to the top of the tower, pulling you along with him.

Draco reaches the top of the stairs, dropping your hand as he raises his wand. You follow suit, standing just behind him, your wand pointing past his shoulder.

"Good evening Draco, Rebecca." Dumbledore nods to both of you. "What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" You ask, ignoring his greeting. "We heard you talking."

He looks at you with a gentleness in his eyes. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." He looks to Draco now, almost pleadingly. "Draco, you are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you!" Draco retorts.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that, in return, she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart couldn't really be in them." You couldn't help but admire how wise Dumbledore was. He had always been very kind to you, you didn't want to do this. But you had no choice.

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco lowers his wand, almost as if in sync you raise yours higher, with more force. Draco pulls the sleeve of his blazer up, revealing the dark mark.

"I shall make it easy for you." Dumbledore raises his wand and points it at Draco.

"Expelliarmus!" You wave your wand instantly, disarming Dumbledore.

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