Chapter 3

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you woke up at 11.30am and you turn off your alarm and get up to walk to the bathroom

after you showered you go get your towel and put it on
and you go to your closet to get your shirt and jeans

after you get ready
you go get your hair tie and tied up your hair with it
you put your converse sneakers on and you opened the door and lock the door
you take your car key and turn on your car then you drive to the restaurant

at the restaurant
you get out from the car and lock the car you get inside the restaurant and looking around
and you suddenly sees someone waving at you and it is michael
you waved him back
and then you walk to him

"hey y/n! how's your day?"
"pretty good!" and you go take a seat infront of him
"how's yours?"you asked him back
"pretty well... yeah heh, i'm good"
you feel something is wrong with him
you wanted to ask him about that but you refused because you think it was a personal thing for him
"what did you like to eat?" the waiter said
"uhm, i would like to eat a waffle with a vanilla ice cream thank you" you said
"and for the beverage?" the waiter asked while writing
"water" you said
"oh ok"
"and for you?"
"oh uhm, whiskey thank you"
and the waiter walks out
"wow, i don't know you're an alcoholic"
"oh uh, yeah, uhm" he said that nervously
and you realized that you said an offensive thing to him and you started to apologize to him
"oh,uh, i'm sorry michael, i didn't mean to said that"
"yea that's fine.."
the waiter cames with the food and drinks

you guys talks so much about everything and you started to feel a connection with him

you two take a walk for a while

after the date
"that was fun!" you said
"oh yeah haha"michael laughs
"alright, see you at night!"
"okay, bye!" michael said

you two get in to the your cars
and you start to drives away to your apartment

at the apartment
you go upstairs to your room
and at your room you go to your bedroom
and you throw yourself to the bed smiling and blushing

at night
you prepare yourself for nightshifting again and for a work-date with michael

at the pizzeria
you're with michael again
and the guide says to go to the circus baby's room again
but suddenly the lights went off and circus baby told you to hide in a hiding place to get rid of the bidybabs
you're so scared but michael calms you out
he hugs you and said
"shh, everything is gonna be alright, we're not gonna die here.." he calms you
at this point you feel comfortable with him and you hugged him back
and he gaves you a little headpats and you blushed a little bit
and at this point he started to say some personal things
you feel bad at him
but in a same time you feel a stronger connection with him

after a few minutes stuck in there trying to get rid from the bidybabs
you two survived and do what circus baby tells you

after a long frightening night you two finally get out
"huh, it was a long night right?" you said
"yeah tho"michael responded
"let's have a dinner this afternoon shall we?" michael said
and then you two drives away from the pizzeria

Michael Afton x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now