Chapter 17 {The End}

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it's dark
it's pitch black
he can't see everything but himself
suddenly there's fire everywhere
"i can't!!" it sounds familiar
"y/n??" he turns around
"i'm sorry!! i have to break that promise!"
he can't say anything
"it's okay! my soul will always be with you!"

suddenly it turns dark again

michael saw himself sobbing with your dad
he saw you go to them
"s-she just said that she loves you, charlie loves you, and charlie forgives you" and he cried
"oh michael.."
michael saw you hugging himself from the back
he don't realize that you hugged him until now
"she told me that she's doing this for charlie, i couldn't stop her i-" he sobs but henry hugged him "it's okay, don't worry, it's what she wanted right? then i don't blame you.." henry said

it turns black again

"michael, where are you? i missed you so much, i really wanted to meet you, i really missed your touch, your hug, your kiss, i wanted to feel you, i wanted to be with you forever! don't you wanted us to be together forever? please tell me where you are?" you came into his dream just like charlie came into yours
"y/n!? i'm right here!!" he shouts
"yes it's me!!" he said
"i'm coming for you!"
but he still can't see anything
but he hears a noise from his left
sounds like something is moving in the vent but he ignores it
"i'm here!" you said
but he still can't see everything
you realized that he can't see you
so you have no other choice

you jumpscared him in lefty's form

and he woked up from that
"shit what was that!?"

he gets up and getting ready for work

this is finally his last day of work
and also his last day of living
he suddenly got a phone call
"hello?" michael said
"hey it's me henry, can you go to my house for a second?" henry asked
"uhm okay" michael answered
"great" henry close the call
michael goes to your old house and mewt your dad
"what is it?" michael asked
"not a thing but i just wanted you to have this" henry gaves him a flamethrower
"you really buys A FREAKIN FLAMETHROWER!?" michael surprised
"yep, but not just that, here's the gasoline" henry hand him the gasoline
"yeah thank you but-" michael suddenly saw another flamethrower on the table
"YOU BUY 2 OF THEM!?" michael should
"yep, because why not" henry said
"each of those flamethrower costs $500" henry said that
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" michael still surprised
"besides we're going to die this night tho, my money wouldn't made things anymore, so yeah i buy them" henry explains
"I KNOW BUT-" michael still shouting but henry cuts him off
"see ya" he closed the door
"why? WHY?? WHY DO I HAVE AN INSANE FATHER IN LAW" michael turns back and heading to his car

michael gets into his house to clean up
he goes to his living room
he sees the photo of you and michael together
michael take that photo and smiled
"wait for me y/n.. i'll be there soon..we will be together forever, i promise you" he said

he's on the way to the pizzeria
when he's getting in
he meets henry
he called him
"hey henry!"
"can i ask you a question?"
"what is it?"
"do you had a dream-"
"yes i do, but it's charlie, i bet yours was y/n" henry cuts him off
"well yeah;-;" michael said
"yeah i know that we'll get those dream" henry said

at night
he finally gets into his office
he bought the flamethrower and the gasoline
he orders supplies and advertise stuff
the noise he made is so loud
and it easier for you to go to him
"michael?? i'm coming for you.." you said
"oh y/n.. i'm so sorry" he whispers underneath his breath that you couldn't even hear him
he cries a little bit
but he doesn't cry because he's sad
he's crying because he's happy that he finally can meet you again
"i really missed you y/n.. i'll be with you forever and ever soon, we'll never get separated anymore.." he tears
you can't really hear him but you keep searching for him
"michael, where are you? i missed you so much, i really wanted to meet you, i really missed your touch, your hug, your kiss, i wanted to feel you, i wanted to be with you forever! don't you wanted us to be together forever? please tell me where you are?"you asked
"i'm right here waiting for you y/n.." he cries
you heard him
"i'm coming for you michael!" you crawls heading the sound he makes
all of the animatronics are heading to him
he already done his job and logged off
but suddenly elizabeth says
"You played right into our hands. Did you really think that this job just fell out of the sky for you? No. This was a gift, for us. You gathered them all together in one place, just like he asked you to. All of those little souls in one place, just for us. A gift. Now we can do what we were created to do, and be complete! I will make you proud, daddy! Watch, listen, and be full-"
he finally pours the gasoline everywhere
and he finally burned down the pizzeria

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