Chapter 12

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"hey dad, what was your dream all about? i mean what does charlie said to you?" you asked
"she just said that she and her friends needs help and wanted to set free" henry explained
"nothing else?"
"yeah, she just said that, and it went black, the kids are begging for help, and charlie said 'it's me' in the end, but suddenly i got jumpscared by the old animatronics"
"oh.. i see" you realized that charlie needs you
and charlie wanted to be with you
"what's wrong?" henry asked
"oh, uh, nothing, i'm just curious"
"oh, ok" henry sighed
"alright, i'm gonna go, love ya"
and you're going to your car
but henry stopped you for a while
"hey y/n!"
"tell your sister that i love her okay?"
"oh, uh, yes of course.."
you said that nervously because yo knew that this night you might die

Night 5
"here is it, this night" michael said
"why are you so nervous though?" you asked
"i'm afraid i'm gonna lose you forever" michael said in a worried tone
"you silly, i won't leave you here" you sighed
"but what if you have to? what if-" michael worried
"shhh, none of us will die tonight okay? we will survive ok?" you assured him

you both getting focused
don't care about any other things
"hey michael.."
"this is a silly question but, do you really love me?" you asked him
"from the deepest part of my heart"
"w-what if i really died tonight? maybe i got burned down too?" you asked
"what? no, you wouldn't die tonight, you said that yourself, that none of us will die tonight, both of us will survived, and we will be together forever! come on don't think about that bullshit, i hate it" he checked the cameras again
"yeah.." you sighed while checking the vent system

5:40 am
you started crying
"hey, y/n, what is it? look, it's almost over!" michael calms you
"my dream.." you sobs
"about charlie that you told me?"
"s-she doesn't only said that they wanted t-to be free, s-she said that she needs me, and she wants me by her side" you sobs
"w-what is that supposed to mean?" michael ask
"y-you'll know.."
michael hugs you trying to calm you down
"it's okay, it's alright, i'm here, don't cry, it's almost over" michael calms you
"let's burn this place down together okay?" michael said
you nods
michael starts pouring the oil all around
you give him the match
and he burned the ground
you cried
you two kissed passionately
"come on let's go!" michael rans to the entrance but you stayed
the puppet comes near you
and you holds the puppet's hand because you know the puppet was charlie
"i can't!!" you shouted
"What!?" michael scared
"charlie needs me!! i have to be with her!! i need to be by her side forever!!" you shouted and cried
"no!! please don't leave me alone!! i need you too!! you promised me that both of us will survive!!" michael shouted and started crying
"i'm sorry! i have to break that promise!! this is for charlie!! tell my dad that i'm doing this on purpose!! tell my dad that charlie loves him too!! tell my dad that charlie forgives him!! tell my dad that i loved him!!" you shouted
"no!! please!" michael sobs
"it's okay!! just go!! i love you michael!! i love you so much!! you loved me too right!?" you shouted and cried
"yes!" he sobs
"then go!! please!! i beg you!! this is my last wish!!"
"i'm not ready to l-lose you!!"
"it's okay!! my soul will always be with you!!" you said that as he started to sob and nods
"i love you so much y/n!!"
he rans towards the entrance
"i love you too michael.." you smiled and tears up
you look into the puppet's eyes
you hugged the puppet as he hugged you too

it all went black
you can only see yourself
and you hear a sound
"hey y/n!!"
"yayy you made it!!" charlie says
you hugged her and she hugged you back
"is this a dream?" you asked
"no, this is real! you've set the other souls free!! and now you're here!"
"where am i??" you asked
"we're inside the puppet!!"
"wait, if the other kids sets free, why are you still here?"
"i have an unfinished business with mr.afton, that's why i invited you here!"
"oh, right.."
"wanna see the other kids??"
"follow me!!"
she grabs your hand and she guided you into a light
you get into the light and you saw fazbear's burning down and the other kids
"susie??" you asked
"hey y/n!! she hugs you and you hugged her back
"i finally have my chance to meet my dog!!"
"aw how sweet!!"
"i can't believe we're finally free!!"
"yes you are" you re-assured him
"thank you y/n!!"
"oh by the way what's your guys name??"
"i'm gabriel!! and i used to be freddy there!"
"oh how cute" you said
"i'm jeremy and i used to become bonnie because i also liked to play guitars!"
"haha, great!!"
"i'm fritz! as known as foxy the pirate fox"
"amazing!!" you laughs
"and you??"
"i'm cassidy.." she's a quiet girl
"and you used to become?" you asked
"i used to be golden freddy" she said
"and i will wait in hell just for torturing william afton, the man who killed me.."
"oh, wow, that's great" you surprised
"thank you" she said
"and you must be michael's little brother"
"yes i am!"
"who do you used to be?"
"i used to become golden freddy with cassidy!"
"ah i see"
"now the party's over" fritz says
"and all the guests are gone" jeremy continues
"it's already passed our bedtime" susie continues
"it's already almost done.." you said
"just like balloons we soar on our own, finally free from the pain of our home" gabriel continues
"just like balloons that no one will holds" crying child continues
"free from the truth, that no one will know.." charlie continues
"goodbye all!!" you said as they fly up
"i will miss you guys!" charlie said
and they're gone, they're finally free
you looked down
you saw michael sobbing with your dad
you go to them
"s-she just said that she loves you, charlie loves you, and charlie forgives you" and he cried
"oh michael.."
you hugs him from his back but he don't know because you're dead
"she told me that she's doing this for charlie, i couldn't stop her i-" he sobs but henry hugged him "it's okay, don't worry, it's what she wanted right? then i don't blame you.." henry said
"hey y/n!" charlie calls
"yes?" you answered
"let's go! the puppet is looking for us!!"
and you both get into the puppet
"amazing y/n!" charlie praised you
"why is that?" you asked
"you didn't break our promise!! you told me that we will be together forever!!"
"oh haha right!!"
charlie hugged you and you hugged her back
"i missed you y/n!!"
"i missed you too charlie.."

Michael Afton x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now