Chapter 16

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you and charlie are getting lonely because the others are already salvaged
you feel bad for charlie
you promised that you're gonna protect her
so instead for possesing the puppet with her
you decided to posses lefty
because lefty is protecting the puppet
and your goal is to protect charlie

at night 4
michael finally salvaged lefty
when michael holds lefty
you cried a little bit
because you never knew that you will be reunited with him
you're feeling sad and happy in the same tine

you're at a dark place
you can't see anything but michael with the paper
and there's an audio prompt thingy
you realized the sound on the audio prompt was your dad
you're confused because your dad never really do that thing except it's for a reason

you're trying to move but it's a little hard
when he checked the paper
suddenly you can move for a little bit
it actually made a sound
michael surprised and looked at you
"did you just move?" michael asked
you're about to answer him
but somehow you can't talk
"oh well" michael said

after he's done with it he puts you on a dark
"stay here ok, don't move" michael said
as he leave you there
you can't see everything but a vent
you finally climbed on that vent
you can hear a sound there
it really sounds like a fan and a printer noise
first thing that cames to your mind is michael
because as you remember there's always a noisy fan in the office room
"Michael?" you said that out loud
your sound is echoing
you're crawling to the sound
but suddenly the sound is gone
"where are you now?" you asked
and there's a music sound on the other side
and then you go there
you're crawling there and hoping that michael is gonna be there too, waiting for you
you get closer to the sound
but instead of seeing michael you suddenly saw scrap baby there
"elizabeth?" charlie said
"charlie?" elizabeth said
"i can't believe that we met here" elizabeth said
"well, here we are" you said
"wait, who's there?" elizabeth asked
"it's me, y/n" you said
"y/n? you're there too?" elizabeth asked
"well, yeah, i'm here too" you smiled
"wow y/n you sounds really different" elizabeth concerns
"well, i died in a fire, and i was possesing the puppet until we get into the alley, but suddenly there's a black bear animatronic that offers the puppet to protect him and so i thought i should've protect charlie and yeah i possessed lefty now" you explained
"wow, this is amazing" elizabeth said
"i know right" charlie said
"we're gathered here together just to play all these songs in one place and this gifts we appreciate" elizabeth said
"right" you smiled
"by the way, where's susie?" elizabeth asked
"oh, she's already freed" charlie answered
"ohh" elizabeth said
"hey, y/n!" elizabeth said
"yes?" you answered
"are you and michael were dating?" she asked
"uh, well, yes" you blushed
"yesss, i knew it!" elizabeth said
"haha" you laughs
"since when? since you both nightshifting on circus baby's?" she asked
"yeah" you answered
"wait, you work on circus baby's too??" charlie asked
"yes." you answered
"i knew it you both were dating since then" elizabeth smiled
"how do you figured it out tho?" you ask
"i mean, you both are so close to each other's, and remember when i guided you?? you're both were so romantic, you guys are protecting each other's and it's so cute and romantic" elizabeth laughs
"we were so panicked that day" three of you laughs
"but why don't you come on night 4?" elizabeth asked
"i was staying on your old house with him, and i was awake too but he said that he will take the shift by himself so yeah i didn't come"  you explained
"ooh" liz sighed
"hey uh, where does the funtime animatronics go?" you asked
"they're here too" elizabeth said
"but i thought there's only 4 of us" you concerns
"they're becoming the molten freddy" elizabeth explained
"ohh rightt" you said

Michael hears a sound
it sounds like they're interacting to each other's
michael thinks that they're already distracted
so he finished all his works
and finally logged off

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