Chapter 8

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"GAAH" you shouted and woke up
"oh, it was a dream"
you go to your bathroom and wash your face
you go to your kitchen and take a slice of bread
and suddenly you realized that there's a sticky notes there
" i'm gonna go for a while, don't do anything stupid there, i'll be back at 3pm, love dad"
you sighed and go taking a jam
when you look at the jar it was empty
it reminds you to charlie
where she finished all the jams by herself
you smiled
you go take a new jar on the fridge
you finally eats the bread with a chocolate jam peacefully

you get bored
so you go take a walk outside
and search some fresh air

it was a sunny day
everyone were jogging there and some of them just go to a restaurant

when you take a walk
you saw someone familiar
you're concerned about who is the guy
turns out it was michael
you stopped for a while
deciding to turn away or keep on walking
and you choose to keep on walking

you both saw each other's
but you're acting like you don't know him
because you knew that his dad was the one who murders your sister
as he getting closer to you
you got slipped
but michael holds you
"are you ok?" michael asked
"i'm fine" you looked away from him
"hey uh-"michael said but you cut him off
"have a nice day" you walked away from him
as michael looked at you
you don't know where to go
but something in you telling you that you have to go to fazbear's again
but you didn't want to go because you're still scared about how the puppet attacks you
but your curiosity isn't going but it keeps growing

you decided to go to your sister's grave
but you buy a flower at first

at charlie's grave
"hey charlie, long time no see, i really missed you, i dreamed about you yesterday, and sometimes i can still hear your voice..
heh, i know i'm too dramatic but i think i missed you so bad, i want to meet you again, i want to touch you, i want to hold you, i want to hug you, i-" you cried
"i really wants to meet you, somehow, even though only from a dream, i really wants to meet you" you sobs
you kneeled down and but the flowers on her grave
"i love you charlie"
then you get up
and it started to rains
you take your jacket and covers your head

you got nowhere to go but fazbear's
you don't want to go there but there's no other choice

so you go run to the pizzeria and get trough the door
you sits on the table and waits until the rain stops
it creeps you out
you suddenly hears freddy's laugh but you ignored that
you heard movement but you still ignore that

few minutes later
you heard the large box is opening
you looked at the large box but you doesn't approach it
but the puppet cames out again
you looked into the puppet's eyes
and the puppet looks into your eyes
"fuck.." you said
you run to the puppet and trying to get him back into his box
but it doesn't works
he's starting to touch you
"don't be afraid.." he said but in charlie's voice
you're shocked because he has charlie's voice
"don't be afraid, it's me.." the puppet while holding your arms
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" you get yourself off him
he's following you now while saying "don't be afraid, it's me.." repeatedly
you're running every where
but he keeps following you
you go to the nightguard office room and you're realized that's the dead end
you fell down but he keeps following you
you started crying
"STOP!!" he stopped
he doesn't say anything
you think that this is a chance to get away
but suddenly you got flashbacked to your
sister and dad
"so you have to keep on wind up the music box or else the puppet will awake" your dad says

you rans to the box again
you get into the box
the puppet follows you and get in to the box
while you quickly get back to the office and wind up the music box
"IT WORKED!!" you sighed
you finally get out from there
and you suddenly sees your dad walked infront of you
he approached you
"what are you doing here?"
"it was raining and i was from charlie's grave and there's no other choice to go and so yeah i get in here"
"that's trespassing"
"yeah i know but i got nowhere to go.."
"yeah that's fine"
and you both get back to your old house together

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