Chapter 15

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Next month
Michael goes to the rebranded fazbear's pizzeria at the morning
he started buying stuff and some animatronics
he got some sponsorship too
and a small animatronic called helpy
he got paid enough

at night
he got into a room
face to face to the molten freddy
michael chose to salvage him

It's closing time
he Gotta clean up all the messes that were made
Order supplies, and advertise
He suddenly hears a sound
but he doesn't get surprised or anything
he keep play it cool
because it's an obvious thing for him

but the noises he makes makes him kinda freaked out
he turned off the fan
but the temperature is getting hotter
but he ignored that and distracted molten freddy by the sound thingy
he started to scan the vents again
it worked
he turns on the fan again because he thought that he'll be okay

after he does everything
he logged off and go home

the next day
he's getting it
he got more sponsorship
he buys some game arcade
he buys more animatronics from different companies
he buys the rockstar OG4
and there's finally some people that comes to the pizzeria
and there's 1 of the kids who's really obsessed with foxy, that boy got a little sister who really likes freddy
but unfortunately his little sister got left alone by his older brother
she sits infront of the stage
michael feels bad for him
michael approached him
"can i sit next to you?" michael asked
"sure.." said that kid
michael takes a seat beside him
"what's your name?" michael asked
"my name is y/n" the kid answered
"oh.." michael said
"why is that?" the kid asks
"you share the same name with my girlfriend haha" michael laughs
"you have a girlfriend??" the kid asks
"yes" michael answered
"can you tell me about her?" the kid asks
"oh well, she was a nice girl, she was the most amazing person i ever seen.." michael answered
"was? what happened to her?" the kid asked
"well, uh, she died.." michael said
"ohh, i'm so sorry to hear that" the kid apologizes
"no, it's fine" michael said
"hey, you really likes freddy right?" michael asks
"yes! he's my favorite animatronic!" the kid answered
"okay, wait here for a second" michael said as he goes towards the merchandise store
he gets the rockstar freddy plush and rockstar foxy mask
"hey there kid" michael said
"hi again" the kid says
michael take a seat next to her again
"this freddy plush is for you" michael said
"oh my god, thank you so much!!" the girl smiled
"and this foxy mask is for your brother" michael gives her the mask
"thank you so much mr.. uh.." she thanks
"oh, uh, it's mr.afton" michael said
"thank you so much mr.Afton!!" she smiles and she rans to her brother and gives him the mask
the brother looks happy and hugged his sister
michael looked at them and smiled
it reminds him of his brother and him
but he feels kinda bad because he can't be good brother like him
michael approached them
"hey what's your name?" michael asked
"my name is michael!!" the brother answered
"wow, really? my name is michael too, what a coincidence" michael and the brother laughs
"do you like the mask?" michael asked
"yes!! this mask is so cool!!" the brother answered
michael laughs
"you guys reminds me of my brother" michael smiled
"well, yuh" the brother said
"don't bully your sister ok? you will regret it" michael said
"why would i do that?" the brother asked
"just in case" michael said as he turns around

he did great on the next 2 nights
even though the scraptrap makes him panicked because how's he keeps talking and threaten him by saying that he'll always comeback and something like that

the scrap baby kinda bother him because it's his sister and michael is easily get distracted

but he tries his best to ignore all the animatronics
and stay focused to his works
and yes he always get trough all of that and just wait for the night that he'll die to come

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