Chapter 4

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day by day both of you are getting closer to each other
to the point that you guys are in love but you didn't notice that

before the night 4 of nightshifting michael asked you to stay at his house for a day
"hey uh, y/n"
"can you, uh.. stay in my house for a day?" michael asked you nervously
"huh?" you concerns about it
"NO! i mean, uh, i don't mean to do that thing, i mean uh, our bed will be separated! i-i don't want to do that thing, uh, i will take you back right after our nightshift" michael said
"oh, haha, it's ok i will stay at your house"
"oh great!"
"you can pick me up at 4pm"
"oh yes of course!"
both of you smiled and blushed a bit
"uh, see you at 4pm" michael said that while smiling and blushing at the same time
both of you turned around and on the way to your cars

while you were driving heading to your house you passed fazbear pizzeria again

you stopped and go to fazbear's again because you were concerned

you opened the enter door
and you started entering the pizzeria

and you saw all of the animatronics still standing all the same

and the box

you took your flashlight and you suddenly saw a room

you were about to go to that room but suddenly you heard a sound that called your name
"y/n.." you heard that sound from the box
"who's there??" you asked that with a scared feelings
and the sound is gone
you entered the room again
and you saw a golden bear sitting in the corner
with a weird smell
you started to move on from that and turn back

but when you turn back the box is opened with the marionette stands there
you're scared
and you go to the box thinking that it was just a malfunction and you tried to make the puppet goes in again

but when you try that the marionette suddenly says
"don't be scared.."
you looked into his eyes
"it's me.."
"what the fuck.." you said that with a shocked expression
"don't you remember me?"
the marionette starts to get out from its box and approached you
"GET THE FUCK OFF!" you get back slowly
"don't be scared, it's me"
he started to pull you and you fight back and cried a bit

you finally get off from him and you ran to the entrance
but michael were standing there
you were shocked when you saw him
and you hugged him tightly while crying
"what happened?" michael pat your head
"t-the p-puppet! i-it was attacking me!" you said that while crying
"what? when? where?" michael asked
you pointed at the box
"it was right the-" but you saw nothing
just a gift box you pointed
"I SWEAR IT WAS RIGHT THERE! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" you said that to michael
"yes, of course i believed you!" michael calms you and hugged you back
but suddenly michael sees the golden bear
with a white dot on his eyes looking at him keep saying "it's me" several times

"it's already 4pm isn't?" you said
michael didn't say anything and keep looking at the golden bear
"oh, uh, yes, l-let's go.."

you parked your car at your apartment and go to michael's car

at mike's house

"welcome to my house!" michael said that to you
and you giggles
he gave you a little tour

after the tour michael go showers himself
he asked you to go to eat so you eat something
so you take a look at his house and you saw a room
like a child room
you entered the room and you thought that room is his brother's room

but it somehow interests you
you take a look at the closet
and at the corner you saw all of the og 4 plushies
but there's one plush at the bed and it is the fredbear plush
you go take a look at the plush but suddenly michael enters the room and says
"so you're interested huh?"
you turned back and giggles
"nah it's ok you can take a look"

"hey can i told you a thing?" you said
"you might not believe this but this is real" you assured michael
"it's ok, will believe you"
"okay so uhm, remember when i say that the puppet attacked me?"
"it says something to me"
"what does he say?"
"he said "it's me" and it really sounds just like my sister"
"wait what!?"michael shocked
"so uhm, i saw and heard a thing too" michael said
"and it comes from the golden bear"
"and it also says "it's me" repeatedly, and it really sounds just like my brother sound"

* silence *

"guess we really missed our sibling that much huh" you said that
"yeah, right.."
you looked into each other's eyes and slowly closing your eyes and started to kissing each other passionately

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