Chapter - 5

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The etching sound that lightly danced across the bedroom window was enough to send his back straight; in pitch darkness as a cold sweat washed over his face and chest - heart trying to escape through his throat the first chance it could get. Nights lately, hadn't been at all easy on him ; All that happened to him these past years had uprooted his sanity. After a tortured eternity the room began to get lighter and the birds chirping got louder. Louis threw back the covers and stumbled out. Sleepless.

Walking into the kitchen he grabbed the breakfast before stomping into the prince's room , a permanent scowl etched on his face. Louis can be as stubborn as a mule most of the times but when he is grumpy its better to stay on his clean slate. He thought about not taking the breakfast to the Alpha but it was too early to get a slap.

Without knocking he stepped into the Prince's chamber and he made sure to shut the door behind him with a loud bang. Careful not to spill anything he kept the breakfast on the table before turning towards the alpha. The Prince stood next to the bed in only black pants; his torso on full display. Louis couldn't help but stare at the body, feeling his face heat up a bit. There were tattoos covering up the Alpha; two birds on his chest looked beautiful in the morning sun. His eyes wandered across the other random tattoos until they fixed on a butterfly on the man's stomach. He wished he could take a closer look at them.

"Like what you see?" a deep voice pulled him out of the staring and he felt his cheeks turning slightly red from embarrassment. He only glared at the man beside him who looked like a dog with two tails.

"I was just looking for a place to stab my knife."

"You seem to forget who you are talking to, Omega."

"Don't worry I will never forget, talking to the most pathetic Alpha I've ever seen."

A hand cracked across Louis' face, snapping it back with the force of the blow and causing his head to reel sickeningly.
When black dots quit covering his vision he is standing in the middle of the room with the prince holding his arms tightly behind his back, the pain of the alpha's hold causing him to let out a startled little gasp of pain.

"Now listen here, cause I won't repeat myself!" the prince growled and the boy looked at him with wide eyes, not moving. "One more disrespectful word from your mouth and I won't hesitate to cut your throat. Am I clear?" Louis couldn't do anything else but nod his head and Harry pushed him away.

Louis just turned around and began to make the bed, his face throbbing in pain.

"I will be going for a hunt today. So you are free. Don't get into any trouble." Louis resisted rolling his eyes and just nodded as Harry picked up a croissant spreading some butter on it.

"Good now get out. I have things to do" Louis just walked out, letting the door bang shut behind him for the second time today.


The Alpha left after breakfast leaving Louis to do all his assigned duties. He went to the infirmary and changed his bandage; his wounds healed really fast. His leg was much better too, the pain barely noticeable.

Walking through the palace in the evening, Louis watched as the guards began lighting the lamps in the corridor. He visited the library today and had taken a map of the continent, which was tucked safely under his coat. Soon he reached the end of the corridor; stopping in front of a wooden door. Quickly he stepped in scanning the room with his eyes. He passed used furniture and random things, trying to be as quiet as possible. At the end of the room was a small brown door. He was sure it led to the backside of the garden, near the stables. Jesse had told him about a door that the maids uses to go out  and he just hoped its not closed.

 As he stepped towards the door something got his attention. The knife was little more than a rusted and jagged blade set in aging wood. The handle was warped and held together by a brass-looking screw. Louis briefly eyed it like it was solid gold before stowing it under his shoes. It wasn't the steak knife he had been hoping for, but given enough force behind it into some soft region and would get the job done.

Pushing down the handle the door opened with a loud crack, making him hold his breath for a few seconds. Not hearing any footsteps he slowly closed the door before stepping out into the cool night. It was dark outside, but he could still make out the line of the forest in the distance. It was new moon tonight; the lunar disk was not visible, no light in the sky to illuminate the Earth. He reached the line of the forest and threw himself into the darkness.

Aside from his own noisy breath there is nothing to be heard and the woods are too dark to see much at all. After a minute or two the sound of running water permeates the inky blanket. He is near a brook. A brook would hide his scent and cover his tracks. He want to run, but he is moving with faltering steps and raised hands. It reminded him of the game 'blind man's bluff' which he used to play with his sisters. But this time he is not having fun, he is running for his life. He want to silence his feet, but all he do is step on twigs and kick stones.

Walking deeper into the forest, he changed into his wolf when it became difficult to navigate through the thick bushes. His knees felt like rubber after running constantly and now he gulped selfish breaths of air. After some time he reached a clearing and quickly turned back into human form. The thin coat didn't help him much against the chilly october air, prompting him to cross his arms trying to keep himself warm. Helplessly he walked on, his feet dragging noisily on the carpet of lifeless leaves, each step triggering a rush of pain his chest. In spite of his feeble condition, his lips curled into a smile as the realization that he had escaped finally struck him. He felt smug at his little victory, he had really made it. He was free from the filthy clutches of the cruel alphas.

"If it was me I wouldn't celebrate it too early."


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