Chapter - 12

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December 24th- For Louis it was just another day, its tenor long lost in the enduring darkness. Last year he was almost caught by the guards, while he was trying to drown in his sadness somewhere in the Icefall Glade in the north of Asthalia. This year he is in the main centre of Asthalia, the royal palace as a prisoner his freedom long lost among the dark secrets of the four walls.  

Today he had no chores to lift his mind from the internal torture. He had woken up with his bedsheets tangled around him, silent screams and tears as his only counterparts. Like every year he had gone through all the pictures in the album, his vision clouded with unshed tears. If only his heart could blur the pain that come with it. 

The room was covered in a golden glow, the last flickers of the setting sun leaving its imprints.  A small knock pierced the melancholic silence, the small flicker of light from under the door replaced by a dark shadow. The omega got up moving towards the door, his brows furrowing in confusion at the unknown visitor's call. He opened the door a chink his eyes meeting the dark green ones under the hallway lights.

"Harry?" Louis opened the door, his eyes crinkling in confusion. "What are you doing here?" 

The alpha bit his lips, his usual confidence replaced with a stiff mannequin pose. Louis has never seen the him like this, the royal seems to have an internal battle as he opened his mouth. 

"Can I come inside?" Louis nodded stepping aside to let him in. The door softly shut behind them, the room basked in silence for a few seconds. The floorboards creaked as Harry walked inside sitting on the chair beside the bed. Louis hoped on the bed, his legs crossed in front of him. 

"Happy Birthday Louis."

A small chuckle escaped Louis' lips, the amusement in never seeing the alpha who wore confidence like a robe like this. "Thank you Harold." His voice was sincere, the giddiness that someone remembered the date playing through his mind.

Harry shuffled in his seat taking out something from his robe. He placed a small blue box in the omega's hands. "I got you something."

Louis stared at it for a few seconds; its been ages since he received a gift from someone. "I-I wh-" He didn't know what to say. The simple gesture brought out the silvery tears from all the emotions that filtered through him today. Harry smiled softly at the tearful omega. "Go on. Open it."

Louis removed the cover a soft gasp escaping through the parted lips. "No- no I can't." The omega whispered staring at it. There is no way he would accept it. 

"No. Please hear me out." Harry's voice was soft. A genuine smile adorned his lips, hands gently clasping Louis' wrists. 

"I know we did not meet in good terms and I don't know much about you. But what I do know is that you are brave that any alpha I met in my life. You are strong, yet kind. I am so sorry for being an asshole and treating you that way. Without you none of this would've been possible. I would have never been able to go with the plan this easily. I know this will never make up to everything that happened. The whole of Asthalia owe it to you, and this is a small thank you gift for everything." 

Salty tears moved its way through his rosy cheeks, eyes glistening with happiness and gratitude.  "Thank you." Louis whispered throwing his arms around the alpha. He wiped away the stray tears with the back of his hand as warm hands engulfed him back. 

After the emotional wreck of the day there was something so warm, comforting in the hug that felt right. He let his body sag, the pine scent wrapped around him allowing him to break the keen sting of the sadness.

"I didn't know you could be like this Harold." Louis whispered into the hug, a small bubble of laughter choking its way through the tears. 

Harry snickered. "Don't get used to it." But the arms squeezed the smaller omega tighter with the words.

"Come on. I will put it for you." Harry whispered, pulling away from the hug.

Louis took the delicate pendant in his hand, letting his eyes roam over each and every intricate details. He ran his fingers; the turquoise stone cool under his skin.

Turquoise - his birthstone.

Harry took the chain, softly turning the omega around. He clasped the chain around Louis' neck his hands leaving burning trails on the small omega.

"Thank you. Its beautiful." Louis' voice wavered in the end; raw emotions flickered its way through those simple words. His eyes glinted with unshed tears; yet beautiful than any other gem stone. Harry smiled as he pulled his eyes away from the pendant towards the stunning blue eyes.  

"How did you know it was my birthday?" Louis asked as he made himself comfortable; placing the empty velvet box on the table.

"Niall told me." Harry grinned causing Louis to puff out a fond laugh. Of course, the omega had sent him a letter yesterday, ranting about missing his birthday and what they could both do together after he came back from the trip with his alphas.

Both of them sat there under the evening sun laughter and conversation flowing around them. The red wine they had ran through their blood; the intoxicants engulfing them in its grasps.

Its unbelievable how much your life can change in a year. The future unknown and scary; a challenge that needs to be faced even if you're not ready.

Last year he was running away from everyone; afraid of getting hurt. Growing up everything was about money. Every simple gesture had a hidden motto; a cruel intention. There was no permanency, nothing to look forward to.

Now this year there is something that he could hold on. Something to wake up to each morning, until he could get back his precious freedom. Then he will be gone away from here, turning the pages into a new life. Somewhere he could start a new life.

He found some bright stars in the darkness. Now he just need to find the moon, one that would light up his darkness. One that he could live for and hold on forever, happily.


I'm so sorry, it's been a while since I updated. Not the best chapter...but I hope you guys liked it.  Thank you so much for reading. !!


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