Chapter - 7

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Louis slowly sipped the glass of water as he stared outside the window. The palace grounds echoed with the warm laughter of the children playing, mixed with coldness of the winter days, gloved hands creating their own art in the white canvas. He had woken up a few minutes ago, and found himself on a warm bed in the infirmary, covered in bandages. He was so imprudent to think that the alpha will let him escape that easily.

"Thank god you are awake."

The door opened and an old nurse came inside, followed by an anxious looing Niall. The moment the omega saw that Louis was awake, he nearly jumped on to Louis bringing him into a bone crushing hug.  Louis froze at the touch, its been years since he hugged someone. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, he sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. 

"You either have a death wish or like seeking trouble voluntarily." Niall snickered before pulling back.

"No I'm not." Louis rolled his eyes like a petulant child before accepting the medicine which the nurse offered. His nose scrunched at the yellow liquid, that left behind a sour taste, in his mouth.

"How long have I been out?"

"For two days. You had severe hypothermia and the wounds in your legs got infected. Everyone thought you wouldn't make it. " the nurse replied, her hands busy, removing the bandages in his leg.

"Don't worry it's hard to get rid of me than everyone think." Louis laughed trying to ease the atmosphere.

"You are a thickheaded idiot."

The omega was about to sass out a reply but all that came out was a loud groan, his eyes watering in pain.

"Don't move so much. This will help you to walk without much pain." The nurse looked around for a few seconds before grabbing a bottle of paste, slowly applying it on his leg.

After some more minutes, the nurse left both the omegas, after giving a last few more instructions to Louis. 

"Oh I almost forgot. I have to leave now. Harry wants to see you. He is furious after your little stunt."

"I feel honored" the Omega scoffed with an eye roll to which the noble barked out a laugh.

Walking through the corridors, Louis' heart is hammering but he kept his gait casual with no hint of hesitation. Soon he found himself outside the door from where Louis could smell the strong scent of the alpha. He knocked on the door harder than necessary. He could hear rustling of sheets before the familiar deep voice asked him to come in. Louis hesitated for a second before opening the door. Walking in he saw the alpha sitting on the bed, he still looked furious.

"Can't believe you are still alive." The alpha chuckled.


"You will not be if you are pulling a stunt like that again." 

Louis just rolled his eyes, as he leaned on the wall, his legs too weak to hold on its own.

"Come here omega" the command made him boil with anger.

"I am not a dog." he snapped making the alpha smirk although his emerald eyes looked thunderous. "No dogs are obedient unlike you. You are more like a hedgehog"
"Says the frog" Louis muttered glaring at the alpha.

Harry was about to reply when the door practically came off its hinges and Niall along with two alphas stumbled into the room. The alpha let out an annoyed huff and glared at them.

"What do you both need? I remember telling you not to disturb me today with anything court related Zayn."

"I recall telling you about the feast that you have to attend Harry." The raven haired, whom Louis knew as Zayn threw away at the prince glaring at him.

"I'd still stand on the advice of cancelling the feast. Who wants to spent half of their evening with alphas who have their head far up their asses" Niall muttered, ignoring the and keeping his gaze steadily on the prince. 

Zayn and the other alpha whom he still don't know the name glared at Niall. Zayn tried to swat the omega for the language but Niall skipped to where Louis stood giggling. The alphas just smiled at him and Louis realized that the other two alphas are Niall's mates.

"What do you think Liam?" The prince asked the other alpha. Liam looked reluctant for a few seconds before answering, carefully analyzing his words.

"I think its better if you don't attend Harry. I mean its not that important and we have many other pressing matters in our hand right now." Liam replied throwing a knowing glance at Harry. Niall cheered at his choice while Zayn turned to his mate most likely to argue, but Harry replied before he could open his mouth. "I'll give it a thought."

To this Zayn reluctantly held up his own train of objections and just nodded.

"What about the special cure. Did you get all the ingredients Liam?"

"Yes all except blue irises. As you know its very rare. I have sent people to search for it all over the territory"

Harry nodded seemingly satisfied with the answer. Louis scoffed at that. He had crossed eastern borders numerous times through a small creek in the other side of the forest. There is a bed of blue irises there near the creek.

"Did you check the creek in the eastern border?" Louis couldn't help blurting it out. All the heads turned towards him. The prince glared at him while the others looked surprised.

Louis wanted to roll his eyes. Of course the alpha couldn't believe him.

"What do you mean ome-?"

"Louis" the omega interrupted with a huff. Zayn just smiled at him before continuing.

"Where is the creek Louis? "

"There is one behind the hill in the east. I have seen a bed of irises in the bank. Be careful though. The terrain is really dangerous. "

Zayn mused and his hazel met Louis' electric blue "You are very resourceful."

The prince scoffed looking at Louis. "We will send someone to check. If you are wrong you can say farewell to your head."

"And if I am right?"

"You can have your head." Harry replied causing laughter to erupt in the chamber. Louis just stared at them unamused but after a few seconds a small smile played on his lips.


Its been almost one week since he fully recovered. Louis barely had any free time because of the amount of task that he had to do. The prince was not that unbearable anymore although they argued about anything and everything. Louis was sure the alpha loved reeling him up until he snapped. They continued bouncing remarks between themselves like a kid's rubber ball but it did not end with a slap or a punch on the omega's face.

Louis sat in his room his eyes roaming through the map, fingers occasionally moving through the route. He had taken it from the library, after his other map and knife mysteriously disappeared. He was looking through different routes he could traverse without getting caught or running into any other territory; when there was a soft knock on his door. Louis frowned as he looked up. Only Niall comes to his room and he knew for sure that its not Niall because that omega would have straight away barged in without a single thought about his privacy.

Louis opened the door slowly, coming face to face with a beta.

"Louis" the woman addressed. After a small nod from the omega, she continued. "The Prince desires your company."

Of course he couldn't wait to torment him. Louis just nodded his head, a flash of annoyance passing through his face. He closed the door and stomped towards the royal chambers. He did not know if he want to bang his head or the alpha's against a wall.


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