I Missed You Guys

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Rantaro's POV

I walked into Himiko's testing room and saw her on Tenko's back trying to give her some sort if drink.

"Himikoo! I don't want it!"  Tenko said while trying to get Himiko of her back without hurting her.

"Yumeno-san!" I said trying to convince her to get off Tenko's back it looked like it was hurting her-

"Nu-uh! I want her to stop saying degenerate! Just for one day!" Himiko said sounding very determined. I agree with her it is rather annoying to hear her just go on about how males suck and yatayatayata.

I ran over to Chabashira-san and Yumeno-san and took the red head off Tenko's back.

"Nyeh! Let me go!"she said while squirming.

"Let her go you degenerate male!" Thenk said as she took Himiko away from me.

Jeez thank you would also be appreciated, "I came here to let you guys know Ouma-kun is awake just incase you wanted to see him." I said in a rushed way, I really feel uncomfortable around Chabashira-san sometimes, I know she could kick my ass when she is upset.

"Whatever! I don't want to be around that lying piece of-of- whatever! I'm not seeing him." She yelled.

"So, kokichi is awake? Okay then I might see him after I rest, I used up a lot of my mana." Himiko answered. And man could I just see the anger rise up in Tenkos face.

"Ok then." I said walking out of her testing room fast.

Now who do I need to find next? I guess Hoshi-kun. I knew exactly where he was. I started heading down the halls to where the male rooms where. 

"Hoshi-kun you there?" I said knocking on his door.

"Yes I am what do you need?" He asked in is normal monotone voice.

"I wanted to let you know Ouma-kun is awake." I told him.

"Alright thank you." He said sounding real bored along with tired now.

"No problem." I said now walking away. I went down to Kaito's room so I could see if he was there.

"Kaito, you in there?" I said.

"Yup!" Kaito said opening up the door. "Whats up." He said seeming to be in a hurry.

"Oh yeah, Ouma-kun is awake." 

"Oh really!" "Sweet I'll be down soon gotta do something first!" He said slamming the door. Which was hella odd cause I thought he hated Ouma? Whatever.

Anyways I forgot to tell Shirogane-san, even though I didn't want to see her I went to her room anyways because I'm just that nice.

"Shirgane-san, it's me Rantaro I came here to tell you Ouma-kuns awake. Come down if you'd like." I said, then walked away. I didn't want to talk to her considering she did kill me.

I went back down to the main room and realized that half of them are gone. Probably to the garden I did hear Gonta say he needed help with catching a bug. The only ones left were Tojo-san and Harukawa-san. 

"Hello Amami-kun" Kirumi said in her formal voice.

"Hi Tojo-san, Harukawa-san." I said trying to start a conversation.

"Hello." Maki said, she was only paying attention to Kokichi who was sleeping on the big couch.

"Why are you so interested into Ouma-kun, I thought you hated him." I asked suspiciously.

"Well I don't know right now." She answered with a blank face.

"Makes sense." I said agreeing with her, I mean what else am I supposed to say?

My thought was cut off when I heard a familiar voice.

"Wh-where am I?" The very familiar voice said

"Ouma-kun?!" I exclaimed, I was so exited! I wanted to talk to him.

"Y-yeah. Wait Amami-kun!?" Kokichi said suprised to hear Rantaro's voice again.

"Yeah, along with Tojo-san and Harukawa-san." I answered walking over to him smiling.

"Ouma." Maki said.

"M-maki..." he said with a hint of fear.

"Im sorry." Kokichi said surprising all of us. 

"Ouma you don't have to apologize." She said surprised. Kokichi looked at her as if she had a damn screw loose. 

"Kokichi.. I um, I'm sorry." she spat out.

"Im sorry too Maki." He repeated. She smiled at him and nodded.

I was kinda jealous of Maki but this is also very cute he just looked so happy. 

"Well I will go get everyone for you Ouma-kun." Kirumi spoke, she then walked off. 

"A-alright." He muttered probably nervous. 

I went to talk with Kokichi and give him more details about what happened. He must be tired because he dozed off again, but this time on my shoulder. I was about to die he was to cute. Maki sat on the other side of the couch and turned something on. 

Thanks for getting this far everybody I will post as soon as possible! :3

Edited- April 11, 2023

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