Where the rooms are (not really a part)

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Hey everyone like I said I was gonna make a part of the story where I explain where everything is just so it makes sense.

The main room: they spend most of there time probably gonna be the most mentioned 

Girls rooms: this is near Himiko's and Miu's lab along with Angie's shrine will be over here

Boys rooms:  Korekiyo's Library will be near here

Himiko's tr: near the girls rooms

Miu's lab: near the girls rooms

Korekiyo's lab/library: near the boys rooms

Dinning room/kitchen: this will also be mentioned considering this might be the only times Kirumi's gonna be mentioned or used

Pod room: well this is where everyone woke up it's located in the middle of the boys and girls rooms

Outside/backyardish: gonta will be here a lot this might be where Kokichi comes sometimes as well

Roof: this will be mentioned but not much

Theatre: alright this is gonna be fun to use it's near the boys dorms since I think Kokichi would be here a lot

Swimming pool: this will be mentioned but not as much it's near the backyardish thing

Angie's shrine: angie be praying to Atua every morning 

Gym: kaito is probably gonna be here with shuichi (memory of shuichi and kaitos push up moments 😳) 

Well everyone hope that sorted things out if you where kinda confused on the rooms I mentioned already 

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