Are You Okay?

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It was around 4:00am when I woke up to get dressed and ready I had to make sure a few people where up for there therapy session since it's very important for them to get better. I went to take my shower and get into my regular wear, I also did some of my makeup because it just makes me more presentable. After my quick morning routine I went down the hall to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. 

This morning I just made some toast with butter and a glass of water. Once I finished my meal I washed of the plate and the glass then began down the hall to Ouma's room since his first session was early in the morning, I knocked on his door and to my surprise he was awake and getting ready I told him to hurry and I proceeded to Akamatsu's room they both had a session together just because of the trauma they kind of shared, being hanged for around four hours is not pretty nor being pressed. I had my own session later that day with Gonta and Suichi. Once I arrived at Akamatsu's door I knocked and she opened the door completely ready to go she thanked me for reminding her of the time then she left to her session. 

Keade's POV

When Tojo-san knocked on my door she reminded me of the time I still had Maki here so I left a not just incase she woke up before I got back. I went down to Ouma-kuns room and waited for him, after a good five minutes he came out and we talked on the way to session. Once we got there we got ourselves situated since from what I remember we where going to talk about my execution today. Ouma was going to be told to leave but I wanted someone in the room with me while I talk. 

After I while of getting comfortable with the subject and getting mentally prepared I was asked to talk about what I felt about my execution and what happened in my view. Ouma-kun grabbed my hand in a way of comforting me which made me feel good. (I do not ship, they have the same relationship as Kirumi with Kokichi but Keade is more of a sister/ sorry to anyone that ships them) I began to talk about my feelings before we really got into how I felt and all of well.........that.

"W-well I felt scared for sure and betrayed since Shirogane-san blamed me for her own kill. I felt as if my whole life just was lead up to this. I wanted to live longer I didn't want to put pressure on Suichi yet he took my death horribly, I-I felt guilt." I said as tears began to slowly come down my face. Kokichi at this point with holding my hand and rubbing my back just so I could be comfortable talking. I am so getting him panta after this, he deserves it.

After I got into the whole death thing the session was over and Ouma-kun walked me back to my room it was around 6:30am so I could go back to sleep since no one was up yet aside from me Ouma and Tojo-san. Kokichi dropped my back into my room and we parted ways I thanked him and went back to bed and luckily Maki was still here. I felt comfort around her she made me feel happiness. I got just a bit closer to her and she woke up.

"Keade......?" Maki said slowly opening her eyes. "Whats wrong? Are you okay?" She said putting her hand on my cheek.

"I-I'm fine, I just had to talk about my e-execution at my session today." I said wiping my eyes.

"D-do you want to c-cuddle." Maki said a bit flustered. 

Her question surprised me a bit since she hasn't really opened up much or seemed that she liked hugs or that sort but I kinda wanted to cuddle with her so I said "y-yes please." 

She wrapped her arm around me and we both lye back down and fell back asleep in each others arms. Gotta admit she is comfy. 

Sorry this is so short I probably will have something bigger happen next chapter so yeah anyways thanks for reading✌️✨ 


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