Painting With Angie✨

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Angie's POV (I love Angie so we gonna start with her !!)

I was walking down the hall to the kitchen since no one was awake yet, I needed something for Atua. As I was walking down the halls I passed through the boys rooms and heard a pencil, I started to slow down and listen in to see who was awake at this hour. 

And I wanted to know why they were using a pencil. Im interested because I have been needing a partner for a particular drawing I had planned. As I got closer to the small sounds of that pencil I stopped and realized that it was coming from Kokichi's room. I saw his door was opened and walked i. 

"kokichiii I didn't know you were a artist?" I said quietly. He jumped and turned his head quickly to me. 

"Jesus-!? Did you ever learn not to walk into someone's room and sneak up on them-?!" He yelled glaring at me. 

"Hmmm, no!" I said getting smiling then looking over his shoulder at the drawing. 

"What do you want-?" He asked looking back at his drawing. 

"Hiya! Kokichi, you look adorable!" I said smiling finally noticing what he looked like. 

"Uhm thanks." Kokichi mumbled looking back at me. "You dont uhm look to bad yourself." He mumbled again. 

I smiled and played with his hair. "It's wonderful to see another artist in here, it's also great to see you!" I said analyzing his drawing. 

"Mhm.." he hummed out visibly relaxing. 

"I was wondering since you are now know to me and Atua as a wonderful artist, would you like to do some art with me one of these days?" I asked. 

"Sure." He responded, then he continued to draw. 

"Gonta would love to see this sometime." I stated. 

(I want to show the picture but wattpad won't let me put any down) 

"Maybe one day I'll show him." Kokichi said to himself. 

"Why didn't you tell me you could draw?"  I asked looking at him exited as ever.

"I wasn't open about it.. besides everyone hated me remember?" Kokichi said looking away from me.

"I mean you were Atua thought so too." I said back putting my hand on my chin.

He looked at me sadly and I frowned. 

"Wait!" I yelled "You had good intentions though, I know that now!" he smiled a little. 

"yeah.." He agreed looking away smiling. 

He's to cute!!!  I thought to myself. I gave him a hug. I asked if he wanted to paint right now. 

Kokichi's POV

I went to Angies room to paint with her, I liked painting a lot but never said anything about it in the killing game. As she opened the door to her art room she showed me the different things she has been painting, of course I was fascinated I loved the colors and designs. She showed me what she wanted to make. It was a white wall she wanted to cover up with an orange scenery to match her room aesthetic or whatever. 

" long have you been awake?" She asked as she put the tape on the wall.

"About half of yesterday and basically the beginning of the morning, not that long." I answered  getting some of the colors we would need. We began to talk as we made the bases plants she wanted. At one point we stopped to check the time and realized it was 9:00 am, she told me that everyone started to wake up around this time. She said we should get ready so I left her art studio and went back to my room to get dressed and ready for the day. 

After I got all of that done I put my hair in a ponytail and I put on a black hoodie and my white cargo pants that were dropped off by that weird person while I was gone. I glanced at that wheelchair and decided I was just gonna push through today. I am not going to restrict myself by rolling around in a wheelchair. 

I slowly walked down to where I remember the kitchen being then walked inside. I looked at Kirumi and she smiled at me then glanced at Shirogane-San. I took that as a sign and sat at the table she was at. I had some questions anyways. 

Hello small cliffhanger for you 😚 I will post soon 

Bye sISteRs!

EDITED 11/17/23 

Oh and btw for those who may take Kokichi not using the wheelchair as a offense, as I was looking at his character and persona I wouldn't take him to be someone to easily allow himself to show himself weaker than he appears. His stature and looks as I have written would make him feel even weaker so that's why I decided to in a way self destruct himself.

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