Effects From Killing Game

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Since this might be mentioned sooner or later I wanted to show the effects that happened to the characters of the 53rd killing game.

Rantaro- intense headaches and can get dizzy if he over exerts himself 

-taking therapy + medication for the headaches 

Miu- has difficulty breathing + touches neck when nervous 

-therapy specifically because her issues breathing is mostly mental 

Kirumi- doesn't have many side affects just trying to get used to living here + has many scars over her body 

Ryoma- avoids Kirumi and stays away from fish 

-taking therapy just because they think he should feel more comfortable to express himself and also be capable to be around Kirumi without feeling uncomfortable or threatened 

Gonta- he didn't take anything that happened personally, he is more watchful and doesn't trust people as easily but still continues to smile and enjoy the things he sees and does 

Korekiyo- stays away from warm areas just because it reminds him of his execution also has multiple healing burn marks on his skin they just dont go away because he scratches them a lot 

-intense therapy for what his sister had done to him and the execution which severely affected how he goes about life 

Shuichi- intense guilt for the losses of his friends, also has nightmares about the executions 

-therapy for his anxiety and anxiousness around people + the nightmares and guilt 

K1-B0- has a human body now his whole body is covered in healed burn scars from the explosion + has a wheelchair since he was paralyzed from the neck down when he woke up 

-physical therapy + mental health checkups making sure he's not stressed or overwhelmed 

Himiko- cries a lot and was deeply affected by tenkos death much more aware of what's going on around her 

-therapy just so she can get things out and learn to be more comfortable 

Angie- avoids korekiyo and is more blunt + uses painting as a escape from reality 

Tenko- intense anger issues and trust issues to other people aside from Himiko + holds a huge grudge against Korkeiyo 

-therapy for the anger and trust issues also to make sure she doesn't do something to Korekiyo 

Tsumugi- claustrophobia + has issues moving her body + chronic pain + uses a wheelchair all the time because she can't move her legs 

-therapy because she was insane + physical therapy for her movement issues and leg problem 

Keade- has been at the home for a while and took a lot of therapy + forgets to breathe sometimes + can't go near a piano without having a panic attack 

-continued therapy to help her recover from her intense execution

Kaito- uses exercising as his coping mechanism + has a scar where the poison was shot in him 

Maki- emotionally unavailable + anger issues 

-therapy for her emotions since she has continued to express herself negatively 

Kokichi- dizzy spells and body pains + constantly tired from medication he takes 

-physical therapy for movement + has a wheelchair just in case his body is in to much pain 

-therapy for the trust issues and self destructive tendencies 

If you have any other suggestions for the problems if your that kind of person let me know 

✨cause I am✨

Thanks for reading!!

EDITED 11/18/23

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