Whats This Feeling

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Hello people of ages so this is where are harem takes place soooo get ready this is gonna be more focused on our harem contests than The Grape. 


Shuichi's POV

Today I guess you could say would be more of a day I take off I guess? Whenever we where stuck in that Death Game I remember I always took one day off as a "lazy day" I would just stay in my room and do whatever maybe go talk to Maki or something she was always quiet and calm so it was easy to talk to her and Kaito...... well yeah I don't talk to him at all on these kind of days and I believe thats kinda self explanatory. 

I got up to go get some food since it was a round breakfast and I really wanted to talk to Tojo-san about something thats been going on, I think I know what it is but I just wanna make sure I'm not going crazy.  I open my door and walk out I don't bother in locking cause who would just walk into someones room without knocking *cough cough kIbO* Once I reach the dining room I try to find Tojo-san and like I thought I found her in the kitchen. 

"H-hey Tojo-san?" I said walking into the kitchen area.

"Yes Shuichi?" She said in her normal clam voice.

"I wanted to ask you something..." i said fiddling with my hands a bit 'I really wish I brought my hat' I thought to myself.

"Well go ahead I'm listening." She said calmly (why does that feel hella out of character)

"I-I've been feeling this butterfly feeling lately whenever I talk to this certain person I have an idea of what's happening but I wanna make sure that I'm well..... right." I said pausing on the last word.

"Well Shuichi if you where thinking your in love then your most likely correct." She said giving me her signature smile. 

"Y-yeah thats what I thought." I said as some blush cRaWleD up my cheek. 

"Well then I believe that I must go now, I don't want the toast burning. Would you like anything?" She asked as she went to check on the toast. 

"No thanks I'm just going to take an orange thanks Tojo-san." I said as I grabbed the orange. Just realized that, that was kinda like a Hajime reference.

"Any time Shuichi." She said waving. 

Kaito's POV 

I was sitting in my room thinking *now this is hella out of character for Kaito*  I don't know what it is but I feel as if I am jealous? I don't know why but I just feel jealous of someone. Actually I'm jealous of a guy I'm jealous of........ Shuichi? Kibbo? Gonta? Amami-kun.....? Ouma-kun? Wait why'd did my heart flutter when I said Ouma's name? Wait...... 


I'm fucking it love....... and jealous of Amami because he's been the closest to Ouma. Yeah I'm gonna go get some alcohol or some shit...... yeah.

Rantaro's POV

I was currently sitting in my room listening to some music I listened to before the whole shit show. I was thinking about what it was I was like before all of that happened, but I wasn't really thinking about me I was thinking about Ouma-kun, I already know I've liked him even in the damn game he was just so kind but he never showed his kindness in public, We where gonna work together to end the killing game but Shirgone set up Akamastu-san snd I died so that happened. Watching Ouma go through everything alone was horrible Akamastu-san even agreed with me on that. I felt bad for him we all did once Tojo-san died she couldn't even bring herself to watch him anymore, we had the choice of who we wanted to watch and I got lucky enough and got the first pick and it was Ouma-kun I wanted everyone to see him as the person he really was deep down. 

I'm grateful I get to see him here and spend time with him, even if he's tough he's still hella oblivious of anyone's feelings when it comes to love. My personal head cannon 😌

K1B0's POV

I don't really believe that I have experienced love but........ as I left Ouma-kuns room for him to sleep peacefully I was mentally fighting with myself on if I should talk to Iruma-san or Shuichi. After a while I decided Iruma-san because well I know her better. She may be inappropriate but she probably knows more about this weird feeling than Shuichi does anyways.

As I walk to Iruma-sans lab I hear a loud bang which tells me for sure she's in there and working so I better make this as easy as possible because she can get moody whenever is doing her inventing. 

"Iruma-san?" I said walking in the lab slowly.

"WHAT!?" She said loudly because of the loud noises she was making.

"CAN I TALK TO YOU PLEASE!?" I said yelling, I hate yelling but yeah.

"What is it? You get horny or some shit?" Iruma-san said as she took of her protection mask.

"I-I....... THINK IM IN LOVE BUT I DONT KNOW!" I said as I was a blushing mess. 

"Well, HELL YEAH WHO IS IT?" Iruma-san said grabbing my shoulders.

"I think well......" I tried saying thinking on if I should tell her.

"Listen now your gonna march your ass back to Ouma-kun and tell him how ya feel!" She said giving be a smile and thumbs up.

"Now your god damn presence is not welcome anymore come back again!" She said as she pushed me out of her lab. 

Once I actually processed what she said I basically passed out........ I don't think I like human emotions so much anymore.

Hey guys well heres the harem I mentioned and yeah thanks for reading appreciate it


Heres Molly for you ✨kokichi✨ Simps

Molly was a good girl and she knew the reasons why
So when she went back in the bathroom
She would never come outsideShe was a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar
She's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar
She's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar...Oh!
Ohh, ohh!
Ohh, ohh!Molly was a good girl and she knew the reasons why
Molly was a good girl and she knew the reasons whyShe was a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar
She's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar
She's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liarOh!
Ohh, ohh!
Ohh, ohh!
Oh!Molly was a good girl
Molly, Molly was a good girl
Molly, Molly was a- molly was a
Molly, Molly, Molly was a good girl
And it felt great to be a liarShe's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a liar
She's a good girl!
And it felt great to be a no good, lousy, motherfucking, stupid-Oh!
Ohh, ohh!

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