Chapter 2: News

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Time skip || Morning
George's POV-
I wake up to feel something tight holding me in place, I then noticed it was dream...wait...I SLEPT WITH DREAM?? (no not like that you dirty-minded person-) but to be did kind of feel nice being in his arms..I

I'm still wondering how I even got in this situation..but I really couldn't remember, maybe I'll just ask Dream when he wakes up...yeah that's what I'll do..but maybe for now I can just enjoy this, there's no harm in just 5 more minutes right?

I slowly start to fall asleep without even noticing it by accident.

Dreams POV-
I wake up to see George sound asleep so i might as well let him sleep, after all he just had a panic attack a few hours ago.

I've had a few myself so I know what calms me down and that seemed to work on George so that's good at least.

George's POV-
I slowly wake up to feeling a little cold and realize dream isn't there, then I smell something, bacon? Dream's probably making breakfast.

I get out of bed and just throw on a blue hoodie and some black jeans.

I walk into the kitchen and dream just stares at me

"What?" I ask very confused

"you look...good" this comment made me blush a little and I don't know why, I mean, it's just a friendly comment right? From a friend to a friend.

"Pfft thanks Dream" I say and go and sit down at the counter seats and he just carries on with cooking the bacon and I just wait patiently scrolling on Twitter.

Back to dream's POV-
Why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that?!! It's okay, I'm going to just forget I said that, he probably just thought it was a friendly friend to friend compliment right? right.

I finish up the rest of the bacon and walk over to George, he seems really distracted, probably some gossip going around or something.

I walk up to him and he has a terrified look on his face.

"George? Is everything alright?" I try to sound calm but there's a hint of worry in my voice and I could tell.

"Uhm..Dream..remember how I said I was having nightmares about herobrine?" His voice cracking my a little

"Yeah why?"


"There u-uhm..on the Twitter recent news it's talking about a sighting of herobrine, but-" that's all I could hear before I start to panic because if that's true...I don't even want to imagine what would happen if that's true..

I start to hyperventilate and George says something but I couldn't quite hear him, all the sound is just gone all I can feel is dizziness and next thing I know everything goes black.


"Dream..." a soft voice said

"Dream" it said again.

"Dream!" that was the point where it was loud and I start to gain consciousness and feel something shaking me.

"George?" I say weakly trying not to move and make my headache worse

"Yeah dream I'm here.." he says back and I couldn't really see anything but I have enough strength to ask,

"What happened?"

"I don't know, as soon as I mentioned a possible sighting of herobrine, you started to hyperventilate and then you passed out! Are you okay??"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine..I don't know why I did that it was stupid..I'm so-"

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