Chapter 11: Nether

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George's POV-
I look around to see if I see a nether fortress, nope, none that I can see, just my luck

I walk around for a little bit, kind of just admiring how dull the nether looked, although it was dark it was kind of pretty, I walk up just near the end of my biome

I turn the corner and there it was, how ironic, who could've thought it was so close, that was not even 5 minutes of walking, maybe my luck is on my side today

I hope they don't find me

I make my way over to the fortress and start building up with excess dirt I had

I looked around at the top before stepping in because I do not want some mob coming and surprise attacking me

That would not be good

I see that it was safe so I started walking forwards down the hallway, trying to find the spawner

Clank clank clank

Sounds like...bones clattering? I turn around and there was a black skeleton charging at me, I shriek and pull out a sword

I start swinging at everything like a maniac but I really didn't want to get hit in my defense

Sure enough I heard something hit the ground, I looked and saw some ashes and a few bones

Phew, I sigh in relief

I walk more into the fortress and kept looking, and listening for any blaze sounds coming from anywhere

About 10 minutes of looking and looting chests I find every once and a while I hear a blaze, not just one though

I run over to the noise and I see a spawner with about 4 blazes

This'll be interesting

I pull out my axe and take out two pretty easily but then they started shooting fire, I dodged the fireballs and kept hitting them, I kill one so there was one more left

It drifted off in the distance so I took out my bow and shot it, luckily the rod ended up on the fence so I quickly took it and stashed it in my inventory

I see two more spawn so I easily take them out without getting caught on fire


I counted the blaze rods I had and saw I had 6, one more and I'll be free to get out of this place for good

I see two spawn so I get one and it doesn't drop anything

Fuck, maybe the second one will give me one.

I see the second blaze drift off and out of the ring so I quickly kill it with my sword before it goes too far out of range and I have to use my bow, because if I'm being honest I have horrible aim

Dream was always amazing with bows...

I'm not gonna think about Dream right now, I need to do this for him, and we'll both be free, he's counting on me..

Dream counts on me...

I kill the blaze and see it dropped and went down, I had no idea where it went so I hoped it didn't fall in lava or anything, I need it.

I look over the edge and see a lava pit,


I went to walk backwards but was grabbed by the back of my shirt and hung over the lava pit

I screamed and squirmed while trying to see what was happening

"Guess who" a low voice said, I winced at the sharp tone

Oh no...oh heck to the fucking no!

I was turned around and saw him...

I started squirming again but my hands were held by a force while his hands held the back of my hoodie up over the lava pit

"Get off of me!" I said in almost a whisper out of straight fear

"Hm?, sorry I couldn't hear you what was that?" He grinned evilly at me

"You heard me fucking bitch!" I say a lot louder than before

"I don't think you should be yelling at me, I mean..have you seen the situation you're in right now?"  He chuckled a little and smirked

He was right...I know he wants to kill me so I probably shouldn't test his limits

He saw how I turned from angry back to scared and he smiled

"What do I have to do with any of this.?"

"Well you're Dream's best friend, and I hate Dream, so I hate you and you both should suffer" He smiled wider

"Look I'm sorry you had life problems but we all have those" Half of that is true, we've all had life problems but I doubt I've been what he's been through

"Yeah! You haven't been what I've been through! You have NO idea what I went through, you and Dream just have perfect little lives, I don't care how much you hurt, just know, I've hurt worse" He shouted angrily and pushed me back further out

I was startled at how harsh his tone is, but he's right...even though I've been hurt many times, it's probably never been as bad as how he's been hurt..

"I get're upset, but that doesn't give a reason why other people should suffer-" I was cut off by him

"You bastards should suffer like I did, you guys caused this, and I'm ending it."

I was about to ask what he meant when I was suddenly thrown out to the lava, I screamed as loud as I could, not wanting it to end like this..

Please don't let it end like this...not like this...not by him...

I just close my eyes and cry, thinking about Dream...thinking about what our future could've been...accepting my fate knowing I tried...

I-...I love you...Dream.

I can't tell you what will happen but all I can say is there will be more chapters..I can't tell you what's gonna happen're just gonna have to wait and see....

Have a great day/night, also happy early Thanksgiving! 🦃
-1015 words

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