Chapter 3: The Dream

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Time skip || (sorry this is unprofessional but I honestly don't know what I would write of them sleeping 😅)

George's dream POV-
What? what is this place? Where am I? And why is it so dark.?

"George~" a voice said completely out of nowhere, I got startled and tried to move but realized I couldn't, was I stuck??

Then I hear a soft chuckle which sent shivers down my spine. I gulped.

"W-who's there??" at this point my voice was shaking when I talked I was so scared and nervous.

There was a few moments of silence and then all of the sudden I hear the same soft creepy chuckle, but it got closer..much closer, it sounded like it was right next to me almost.

I started to try and move again but I just couldn't.

"Struggling there, Georgie?"  The voice laughed a little afterwards which made me even more scared then I originally was.

"You're not real...yo-you're just a dream!-"

"Actually, gogy.." I cringed slightly at the name, I can accept my close friends saying that but not a complete psychotic stranger. 

"I'm not a dream, I'm actually quite the opposite~"

"W-what do yo-" then I was cut off by being forced up against a wall I don't think was originally there. wasn't a person that pushed me, it was some kind of force?

"p-please.." Which was all I managed to get out since I was being held up into the wall by my throat.

"heh, alright~" then I feel the pressure loosen but quickly get held to the wall by my hands,

Before I could say anything I see a pair of glowing white eyes turn and look at

"n-n-no i-it can't be.." I shouldn't be scared right?? It's not like he can hurt m-

I suddenly see white eyes right in front of me just staring at me, and as if he was reading my thoughts he grabbed my arm and scratched it super deep with claws that came out of nowhere.

I screamed out in pain to this, I started to bleed out of my arm and he just sat there laughing menacingly at me.?!

What a fucking psychopath! No one who's mentally stable would just sit and laugh menacingly as a person bled out.

"You fucking psychopath!" I yelled out to him, it didn't seem like he listened, he just sat there laughing insanely, oh what I would do to just punch this psycho, this was cruel and wrong.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I was being vigorously shaken awake.

"George??!!" The voice shaking me said to me, I groan and wake up a little more to see dream, phew, that was all just a nightmare..

"D-dream?" I just now noticed I had warm tears coming down my face and I was sweating a lot.

He suddenly hugs me, I hug back because why not? I was so fucking traumatized, all I needed right now was a hug.

We probably sat there in comfortable silence just hugging each other for about 10 minutes.

I then start to feel a burning sensation in my arm and flinched a little, Dream notices this and takes a look at my arm to see a tiny cut almost like a paper cut on my arm, I notice this is right where the voice scratched me...but it's not even as deep as it was but it was still there..

So that dream..could've been real??

"George? What happened to your arm?" Dream asked me,

"I- u-uhm...personal things..?.." was all I could say because I obviously didn't want to tell him it was a dream that did this, he would think I'm mental.

"oh...c'mere George.." he then pulls me into another hug. Great, Now he thinks I'm fucking depressed.

"If your nightmares are ever giving you trouble or you want to talk to someone just know I'm right here okay?" I nod and thank him, he looks at the time, 4:54 pm.

We both lay back down and start to drift off to sleep.

Ello again :)

I think it's funny how I don't curse in real life but I do in this story 😂🤡

It's almost 11 at night...oops-

-short chapter, sorry lol

-685 words

yeah uhm that's all, have a great day/night!


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