Chapter 13: Far from home

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George's POV-
I looked at my inventory and noticed I only had 3 pearls

Well this is gonna be fun.

I go into my inventory crafting table and craft a ender eye, I'll craft the other two into eyes later

I tried to guess which direction it was going


I close my eyes and threw the eye, I opened and saw it went east

Pfft wow of course

I pick it up and start heading east, I walk through the desert for about 5-10 minutes, it's hard to keep track of time in Minecraft to be fair

I soon reach a birch forest biome so I go in and chop two trees down, just in case I might need wood for later.

I kept walking through the forest until it reached its end, I walked out and saw a plains biome

Nice, finally some flat, cool, open land to walk across

I stopped and took the ender eye and threw it again, now going north-east.

I kept walking in that direction it pointed me to

I came across a lake and admired it

I remember when me and Dream went to the lake...we loved going was so calming, relaxing, and it was just wonderful...

Who knew it would also be our last time there...

I feel tears start to form in my eyes, I try not to let them out, I close my eyes to prevent them from falling down, but one slips out unintentionally

I glance at the lake and walk over to it, staring at my reflection just to notice it was becoming dark

Who would ever like someone like me?

I start full on crying at this point, just letting my tears fall into the lake as I sit down and watch them do so

I notice it becoming almost pitch black but don't care enough to do anything about it

Dream I will fix this...for both of us..and maybe we could move on with our real'll get a degree in technology...get a beautiful girlfriend-

I sobbed at the thought of the last sentence but continued

Maybe even get married...and I'll still be your best friend...forever...I'm sorry I think this way about you but I can't help's just the way your blonde hair falls perfectly on your your eyes sparkle a pretty yellow color

I laughed a little

Heh...a pissbaby shade of your jawline just looks so're so handsome...and your personality is my everything...and me over here thinking you would like someone like me...I'm not even half as pretty..

My thoughts go to that song...

Whenever I think of that song I think of always calms me down..

I sigh and start singing to myself

"...why would you ever kiss me...Im not even half as gave me your said it's just polyester...I wish I were...heather." (Purposely getting the lyrics wrong)

I kept crying to myself but the song calmed me down..

Pull yourself together...Dream is counting on you..

I slowly cry myself to sleep, completely blocking out the world, and everything in it.

Time skip || Daybreak

I wake up to the feel of my face being...licked? I adjust to the sunlight surrounding me

I open my eyes completely and wake up more to see a dog licking my face,


"Where did you come from little guy?" I asked in a very cooing voice

The dog barked and kept licking my face, I laughed, then I suddenly remembered all the things that happened yesterday night

Shit...Nightmare could've caught up to me..he could be could I just let myself do something like that

The dog started licking my hand,

"Alright alright, I'll get up now" The dog barked playfully and I giggled, sitting up and eventually standing on my feet

I looked around to see if I saw anything, nothing.

I took a chance to to throw the ender eye, it heading towards north-east again

I start waking in that direction and the dog follows me,

"It's okay go back to your owner, or wherever you came from" I said and pushed the dog very lightly

The dog stood there so I kept walking more and the dog began following again

"Wow clingy much" I laughed and began petting the dog, the dog barked and licked my hand

"Alright now go back to where you came from, okay?" I said

I began waking away again and the dog started following once again

"I said go, okay?" I said a little more raised of tone than I intended

The dog whimpered and I sighed and came down to pet the dog

"Fine, you can be my guard dog" I smiled after the dog began barking

We began walking and the dog looked around in all directions

Wow the dog is actually trying to protect me

I kneeled and scratched at the dogs back and it made a face as if it were enjoying it, I smiled

"Good boy" I grinned and began walking again, so did the dog

We stumbled across a spider that absolutely came out of nowhere, out of instinct I yelped

The dog came and started attacking it, eventually killing it

I went into my inventory and pulled out a piece of meat, giving it to the dog, it happily ate the meat

I kneeled down and pet the dog,

"What should I name you?" I asked the dog, not even expecting a answer

The dog ran over to a bunch of clovers and barked at them

"Clover?" The dog barked and ran up to me and licked my face

I laughed, "Alright, Clover it is" I smiled and Clover barked happily

We started walking again, but I then remembered what this was all about so I stopped and grabbed the ender eye and threw it

Huh...still further.

I'm so relieved none had broke yet...although I might've just jinxed myself right there

We walked and walked till we eventually got to an ocean

I took out the ender eye and threw it again,


Clover and I started back toward the way we came, but not too far, I stopped and threw it again

It went down.

Hi again! Tysm for being here right now, reading this, it means a lot to me
Just a friendly reminder, this is completely based off of fiction and based off of their personas, I would never ship them as a real life couple

I honestly didn't think I would get 3 chapters in one day but I feel pretty motivated today for some reason, so take this to your advantage while you still can 😂

With that being said have a great day/night!
-1155 words

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