Chapter 5: The Event

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I will be doing a little bit of a different writing style this chapter, if I don't like it I will change it back to its original!

Edit to this: If you're reading this now you're probably thinking "well it doesn't look changed?" Well I changed all of the chapters before this to fit the new writing style so that's why! Ty.

Dream's POV-
Everyone was still cheering and then probably about 1 minute later it died down so the mystery person was able so speak again,

"I'm guessing you all know what this is about"

Everyone yelled yes so me and George yelled no

"Raise your hand if you don't know what this is about"

Reluctantly George and me were the only people to raise our hand

"Ah...i see, well that's for you to find out isn't it?"
That is a kind of sketchy thing to say but I'm not going to question it

"sure..okay.." I mumbled so only George could probably hear that.

"What do you think this is about?" I whispered to George hoping for a answer

"Well I'm about as clueless as you on that one" I sighed and kept watching as the hooded person kept speaking but didn't pay attention to what they were saying,

"blah blah blah...looks like we have some people not from around here huh? should I show them what this is about?"

That sentence kind of made me nervous because I kind of figured we were those people since we are the only people who are new and don't know what this is about

"George are we those people??" I whisper-yelled because the crowd of villagers were cheering loudly

"I'm guessing so yeah" he seemed so much more calm than me.

When me and George turned back around from talking to each other the hooded person was gone, I looked all over and couldn't see them

"boo" I gasped and George jumped, I just sat there kind of dumbfounded

"Where did you come from??" I asked in question with a hint of nervousness in my voice

Everyone just watched while this happened, some even laughed a little

"You get scared easily, perfect" he said to George

"You don't though as easily, but I can change that." He said to me, giggling a little at the last few words he said

His last few words scared me though, a lot, I sat there while he walked away back towards where he was standing earlier

They talked for a bit more then said,

"Alright folks that's all I had to say today, you're dismissed" finally!

When everyone started walking away we did too, I felt like someone was staring at me though, I look back to see the hooded guy look away, was he staring at me??

"That guy was acting really strange don't you think?" I asked concerned a little

"Probably just because we were the new people" how was he so calm again??

"I guess so..."

We were at least 5 minutes away from the event and I still had the feeling we were being watched,



I leaned in close and whispered, "does it seem like were being watched? Or like followed?"

"Yeah actually, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it" he whispered back

"Let's pick up the pace okay?" I whispered again and he nodded

Then we started walking faster, and soon that walk turned into a speed-walk

Then suddenly we heard a twig snap, CRACK.
That's when we decided to book it and not stop till we reach our house.

As soon as we got there we ran in and I locked the door while George went and locked all the windows

When everything was locked I let out a sigh of relief, we sat there and nothing really happened so we decided to go to sleep since we both weren't really that hungry and it was kind of late

We walked up to the bedroom and I left the room to let him change, and he did the same for me.

When we both got ready for bed we got into bed and I heard George fall asleep almost immediately by the sound of soft snores, but I just couldn't so I stayed up for about 10 minutes just thinking about today
and about the hooded figure guy, also about what was following us, it most likely wasn't one of the villagers, it could've been an animal or something but I honestly don't know. Thinking about all this made me tired and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Ay welcome back!

This is getting interesting 👀

I don't know how many parts there will be but just know it will probably be over 12 😂

But yeah that's all I got to say for this, but while I'm at it I might as well say that I'm trying to go for an everyday chapter but since this one took 2 days I can't guarantee that anymore, but I am trying and definitely won't take weeks.

But yea have a great day/night!
-861 words

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