26^ Cassius - Heart Ache

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September 17, 2040, 5:14 PM

I sit in the gardens, waiting for Creed to come back home. He had an emergency meeting at CyberLife, and he had to leave early this morning. He's been there all day, and I miss him! I stare up at the blue roses in front of me.
I hear the unmistakable clicking sound of paws on the ground, and I turn to see Creed's pack trotting towards me with Cyclone at its head. He's the first to reach me, and he nuzzles me affectionately. Tornado lays on his side, pressed against me. Typhoon lays at my feet, staring up at me sadly. "You miss Creed, too, huh?" I reach out and pet him. Hurricane settles down on her stomach, resting her elegant head on her paws. And, Cyclone sits on my other side, dutifully watching over me and his pack.
Sumo follows them. Since Hank and Connor have been here for a few days, we brought Sumo here, too. We couldn't leave him at home. He's been spending his time trotting after the pack and trying to fit in with them. I'm not sure if he knows that Creed's pack are Androids or if he thinks they're dogs like him. Regardless, Cyclone has accepted him, and Sumo's kind of a part of the pack, too. He lays on his side a little further from Cyclone.
I sigh softly. "I miss Creed." My whole family is in the mansion as I speak. Well, except for Colton and Caius. They're out doing... something. I don't know what. But, everyone else is here! And, my heart only aches for Creed. He's the only one I want to see. Can I really be blamed? He's the one I love.
I stare into the distance as I think of Creed. His body is so perfect. His voice is so smooth and lovely. It makes me feel so good hearing him. When he lowers his voice and murmurs in my ear, shivers run down my spine. He's so strong, too. His muscles bulge in such a way that makes me drool just thinking about it. Not to mention how good and big his-
I look behind me when I hear the bushes rustling, immediately interrupted out of my thoughts. Corvin pops his head out from behind a wall of vine. "Hi, Cassius."
"Hi, Corvin."
"Is it ok if I join you?"
"Ok, cool. Just... thought I should ask in case Creed's dogs try to kill me." Corvin sneaks forward and sits on the other side of Tornado. "So, what're you up to?"
"Nothing much. Just sitting here, waiting for Creed to come home."
"Mmm," he hums in response. "Sounds cool."
"What're Cody and Carson doing? I haven't seen much of them since the attack on CyberLife."
"They're at the café. Because Creed has to take care of CyberLife as well as the café, Cody and Carson have taken over so he can devote more of his time to CyberLife. That's where they are. They'll be there for a while."
"I want to go back to work. Connor and Hank are getting restless because they're not working. And, what about you? Why are you here?"
"Well... Let's just say that I'm not needed for the café to be able to function normally. Creed keeps me around for... other reasons."
I glare at him. "What 'other reasons?'"
Corvin seems to catch onto what I'm alluding to, and he raises his hands in surrender. "Hey, we're not fucking or anything! Umm... I manage his army. Pretty much. That's what I do. I promise, Creed and I are in no other relationship but a friendly one."
"Good." I look away. "I would've killed you, otherwise. Creed is mine."
"So, you're just as possessive of him as he is of you. Interesting." Corvin takes my chin in his hand.
"Wh-What're you doing?"
Corvin says nothing. He presses his lips to mine, and I push him away.
"What. Are. You. Doing?!"
"I want you. Creed will kill me for this, but I can't hold myself back anymore. Ever since we stripped together on the pole, I've been thinking about you, and I can't stop." He leans closer to me. "I get so fucking jealous when I see you sitting in his lap! And, when he's kissing you, I want to punch the walls."
"Why? I don't even like you like that." I scoot away, bumping into Cyclone. He senses my distress and growls in warning.
"Please. I want you. I can treat you better than Creed can!" He clasps his hands together as he gets on his knees.
"I-I don't... want you like that." My heart beats quickly, and I know I'm in danger.
He grabs my arm. "Please!"
"No!" I pull away, and Cyclone barks, snapping at Corvin's retreating hand. The entire pack is on their feet, growling between Corvin and I. I scoot away.
Corvin raises his hands in surrender. "F-Fine! Fine!"
A maid walks past the vine curtain, pausing when he sees the spectacle before him. His green eyes trail over me, to the dogs who still growl at Corvin, to said man on the ground. "Cassius?"
"Yeah...? Don't mind this." I gesture to the dogs. "It was a misunderstanding. I have it handled."
"Alright. Well, Titan has arrived, and he's requested your presence immediately." 23 turns and walks away.
I scramble to my feet, immediately forgetting about Corvin. The pack plus Sumo follows me as I exit the gardens and run through the hallways. Creed told me not to run in the halls, but I'm too excited to stop. When I reach the door that leads into the big room, I stop. Back straight, hands folded in front of me, pleasant expression, and nice, even steps, just how Creed likes it. I open the door and step out into the room.
He faces away from me, tapping his foot impatiently as he speaks with 12 and 11. When I enter the room, he turns to greet me. "Cassius! I'm so happy to see you again."
"I'm happy to see you, too, Sir." I stop before I reach him, and I stand obediently in front of him.
He leans down, wrapping his arms around me as he picks me up. I grab his shoulders to keep me from falling backwards. "You look so cute in your little vest. I love you so much." He kisses my cheek.
I giggle softly. "Thank you, Sir! I love you, too. How was your trip to CyberLife?"
"It was... stressful. I need a nice, relaxing bath after that." He takes me up the stairs. "I also need you." He kisses me again.
I rest my head on his shoulder. "I missed you. I was in the gardens with the pack."
"And, Sumo?"
"And, Sumo."
"I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive about letting him in my house, but he's not so bad. He's growing on me."
I chuckle softly. "That's good. I've been waiting for you to come home all day."
"I've been wanting to come home all day. I have good news actually." He shuts his door behind him as he brings me into his room. He sets me down on the bed before he pulls his shirt off. "I've decided that we'll get married exactly one week from now."
"Really?! That's great!" I clasp my hands together excitedly.
"But, I haven't gotten it planned yet. That's what I was saying to my maids before you came in the room. I'm having them come up with possible places to have it, color schemes, how much it'll cost, that kind of thing." He pulls his pants off. "I plan to have another crown made for you. This one will be made out of diamond."
I gasp. "But-But, that's so expensive!"
He takes my hands. "And, you're my partner. You're my little submissive, and I'm engaged to you. It's my duty to pamper you and spoil you. Besides." He kisses my lips. "You've been a good boy. You deserve it."
"At least tell me that you'll have a crown, too."
He nods. "Maybe. I haven't decided for sure."
"Sir... are you sure?"
"I am 100% certain." He walks into the bathroom, and I follow him. "I have your head measurements and stuff, so it'll be relatively easy to make. I just have to design it, make sure it's not too heavy or too light, then get it made." He shrugs. "Easy."
I never, in a million years, ever thought that I would hear anyone tell me that making a solid, diamond crown would be easy. "Th-Thank you."
He pulls his underwear off and gets into the bathtub before starting the water. "Don't thank me, Cassius. I like seeing you in crowns. Turns me on." He runs his hand under the water.
I sit on the floor next to the tub.
"Don't sit on the floor, Cass." He throws his arm over the side of the tub. "If you want to sit, come sit with me in the tub."
"Ok." I stand up and start pulling my clothes off. Piece after piece of clothing falls on the floor until I'm naked. I take the little pile and set it on the counter as neat as I can. Creed watches me as I walk back to him and gingerly step into the tub. I lower myself until I'm sitting on his lap, and I lean back, resting my head on his broad chest.
"Is there a specific vision you have for our wedding?"
"I think... I don't know. I want all the RK900s to attend. I want them all to see it. And, I want it to be broadcasted to the world. I want everyone to know."
"Really? Where is this coming from?"
I twist around so I'm laying on my stomach, and I stare up at him. "I really just want everyone to know that you're mine. And... you plan on taking over the world, right?"
His eyes are wide. "H-How did you know?"
"You said it during the assembly. And, I kind of assumed that that was what you were planning. I mean, you took over CyberLife, but you still have this huge army. And, I know you're still working on conquering. You know what they say: override and conquer. I know that you didn't make that huge army just to take over CyberLife."
He nods slowly. "You're a lot smarter than I credit you for." He kisses my forehead. "Are you going to try to stop me?"
"Why not? People will die. There will be war."
"You're right. But, at the end of the day, having you in charge would be better than any human in the world. You could really make humans and Androids equal, cause you know damn well that we aren't. The war is worth it." I firmly believe that Creed would be a better leader than any president.
"That's my intention, yes. So... you're just on board with all of my plans?" He runs his hand through his hair. I can tell he's nervous.
"If they make sense, yes. There are still secrets that you're hiding from me. I know that. But, I have realized that it's hard for you to open up, and you've opened up to me a lot. I appreciate that. I am 100% willing to let you keep your secrets until you're ready to tell me. Also... I get the feeling that you know me more than you're letting on." I lay my cheek on his chest. "I'll stay by your side until the end."
He swallows hard. "You're... right actually. I've been in love with you before you even knew I existed."
I blink up at him. "I got the feeling that you must've somehow been watching me or keeping an eye on me. You're a secretive man. I didn't believe that you'd just ask me to be your submissive a few days after we met without prior knowledge of me."
He hesitates. I can feel his pulse quickening, and I can practically see the gears in his brain turning. "Well... you're right."
"I've caught you off guard, haven't I?"
He narrows his eyes at the wall. "Yes. Congratulations, Cassius. You've caught me off guard. I didn't expect or predict this conversation."
I smile up at him. "Just, be honest with me."
He sighs heavily. "Ok... well, this is not as easy as it looks."
"Why not?"
"Because, you'll be mad at me."
"That remains to be seen."
He bites his lip and grabs my waist. "Well, ok. I made Colton. He was the first Android I've ever made. I... I was in the junkyard because I was looking for things I could use to enhance him, sharpen his senses or whatever. But, I saw you, Connor, and Conan, and I saw opportunity. I activated Colton, knowing damn well that you three would find him and bring him home. I watched you three through him for weeks until you guys upgraded his firewall. And, I couldn't get in anymore. Well, if I wanted to, I could definitely get in now. I wasn't as tech savvy back then. But, I don't need to watch you through Colton anymore for obvious reasons."
"You kept watching us after his firewall was upgraded, didn't you?" My brain is running wild with thoughts of him and Colton.
"Mhmm. I installed cameras through people I would hire to break in. All those break-ins you were worried about a while ago? Those were my doing. I'm... sorry for that. I never intended for them to hurt anyone, but I told them to pretend to want Connor if they were caught. Pretend to be black market sellers in search of the famous deviant hunter. And, it worked."
"One of them broke Hank's window." I give him a dry look.
He shakes his head. "Ok, I never told them to break windows. That one wasn't me. That was someone else."
I raise my eyebrows.
"Never mind. So... you watched us? You know how illegal that is, right?" He's rich. Why would he care about what's legal and what isn't?
"Of course. But, it was worth it. And, no one found out. Until, now." He frowns.
"But, why?"
He grimaces. "Uhh... you."
"Mhmm. I-I'm kind of... obsessed with you. I wanted to watch you constantly. I just... wanted to keep an eye on you. And, I wanted to see you." His grip on me tightens.
"I see..." I stare down at the water. "It really is hard hearing that your fiancé has been spying on you for god knows how long."
"I know! I know, but I got rid of the cameras. Cade and Cole dealt with those," he insists.
"Hmm." I sit up, displacing the water around me. "What else have you done? What other strings have you pulled to get me to where I am now?"
"Cassius, I-"
"No, Creed. I want the whole story. All of it."
He purses his lips, but he sighs and gives in. "Fine. I'll tell you everything." He goes on to explain the story of what he did to Connor when he stumbled upon Creed the first time. He tells me about how he erased Conan and Connor's memories when they found out that he made Colton. Then, he tells me about how he recruited Colton and Caius into his assassin organization, and he explains that that's what Corvin's job is. That's what Corvin manages. He tells me the purpose of his code name: Titan. And, finally, he tells me his plans to take over the world and create a perfect kingdom where we rule it all.
It's almost like a fever dream or the ramblings of the deranged, but this is Creed. He's anything but deranged, and these are all things he's done to my family. This is real. Creed is dangerously clever and tactful, and he has to be. I mean, he fooled me. Little did I know that my fiancé could have such a tight grip on all the strings. Little did I know that he could pull them with little more than a passing glance at whoever reaps the negative effects. Creed's been playing a game, dancing with just the right moves to dodge every obstacle thrown his way. And, it's worked time and time again. And, now that it's all said and done, I can't help but think about all that we've done. How much of it was real? How much of it was just orchestrated bullshit that he made up? Does this ring even matter to him? Do I even matter to him? Or, am I just another one of his puppets?
Maybe, Corvin's right. Maybe, he can take care of me better than Creed can.
"Cassius...?" His voice is quiet.
I glare up at him. "You don't love me."
"I do! I do love you!" He takes my shoulders in his hands. "Cassius, if I didn't love you, I would never have told you any of that. If I did not value you, you wouldn't be here. I would have taken over the world already if I didn't want you. I waited because I wanted you by my side. I do love you! I'm so fucking obsessed with you that I lowered myslf to stalk you until I eventually got you to work for me! You're the love of my life, and I'm convinced that not a single person in this world can make me feel the way you make me feel. Not a single person could ever replace you."
I swallow hard. "But, you did all that stuff."
"You're right. I did. I did hurt Connor, and I did lots of shady things, and I did kill people, but I didn't want to! I had to! I do what I have to do!"
"I knew that it was too good to be true." I move to get out of the bathtub, but Creed grabs me.
"Don't leave! Please! There has to be some way that I can fix this!" he begs. I can't hear anything in his voice besides desperation.
"Give me one reason why I should give you a chance."
"Because, I love you. I know that I can take care of you, and I know that I can fix this. I am completely willing to suffer the consequences for my actions, but, please, I'm begging you to not leave. I-I'll do anything to redeem myself! Please, Cassius! You know that I'm not all bad! I-I've done... good things." He slowly pulls me back into him where I once was.
He's right. He's done good things. He's given a home to all of his soldiers, his maids, his animals, and he takes care of them all. He hasn't hurt me unless I wanted it, despite him being so much bigger and stronger than me. And, his love actually seems genuine. Sure, he's done bad things, but he's done good things, too. He did execute Churchill, but he was obviously hesitant. He didn't even look at him when he did it. But, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it. He still killed him.
But, he had to do it. Everything that Creed's done has been necessary for his plan. I can't blame him for that. People do what they need to do to keep themselves afloat. I can't blame Creed for surviving in this world.
But, I can blame him for not telling me, and I can blame him for not apologizing for what he did to my family. Even if it was necessary, it still deserves an apology. And, Conan and Connor deserve an explanation after being clueless for a month.
An idea comes to me.
"Look, I will give you a chance, but I have terms. You seem to work in terms of contracts and signatures, so I'll make up a contract with my terms. If you don't abide by my terms, then I'm leaving you, and I won't come back. I'll give it to you when I've finished it. It'll take a few days because I need to think." I cross my arms.
Hope lights up in his eyes. He nods slowly. "Ok."
"Please, give me and my family an escort back home."
"Consider it done."
I get out of the bathtub, grabbing a towel and my clothes on my way out. I dry off in his room, then I get dressed. Air filters down my throat, and tears well up in my eyes. I leave the room before Creed comes out of the bathroom. I enter the room that my family sits in, refusing to meet their gazes. "It's time to leave. We're going now. Creed is sending us home."
"Why? What happened?"
"Nothing!" I snap. "Come on. We're leaving." I leave the room. I can't help but want to break down and cry as Sumo presses his big head into my leg. I reach down to pet him, and that's when I break down.

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