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Trigger warnings in this chapter

Nico's POV

I just woke up and could feel someone dying nearby someone I know I realized with a start I jumped up off the hard ground and went to check on Will who was fortunately very much alive that meant it was someone else I knew. I tried waking Will up to no avail so I yelled,

"Nico Di Angelo is about to shadow travel."

"What," Will yelled sitting up with a jolt.

"I'm not going to shadow travel, but get up I feel someone I know dieing so grab your doctor stuff and come back for the rest." I told Will.

Will quickly gathered his stuff and followed my in the direction that I felt death we walked for what was about one hundred feet when we heard someone yell NO then we finally arrived to a secne I never thought I would see. Percy Jackson was lying on the ground with a knife in his hand surrounded with blood, while a blond guy ran out of the woods towards him and gently cradled his body.

Will immediately after getting over the shock rush towards Percy to do his doctor stuff when two more girls rushed out of the woods from the direction that the guy came. One looked familiar then she turned to me.

"Bianca ?" I asked.

"Nico?" She asked. Then we ran towards each other and hugged. I heard the sound of brush moving and Thalia's voice saying,

"What the heck is going on here?"

Thalia's POV

Me and Reyna were already awake and getting ready for another day of running from the hunters when I faintly heard crying and then a voice that sounded familiar yell NO.

I looked at Reyna and we both ran in the direction of the scream and we ended up in a clearing what I saw was a sight to behold.

Luke was cradling Percy who had blood spraying every where with a massive puddle on the ground while Will was picking through his doctor bag, then I saw Bianca hugging Nico and Zoë standing there awkwardly so I said the only thing I could think of "what the heck is going on here."

Luke's POV

It was the second anniversary of my death which meant it was a day of celebration for me, Zoë, and Bianca. I woke up got dressed and came out of my tent to see that Zoë and Bianca had already started on breakfast. I walked over and joined them when I heard the faint sound of crying.

"Do you guys hear that?" I questioned.

"Hear what?" They said in unsion which was creepy.

"The crying." I told them. They stopped cooking for a minute and listened.

Zoë said, "Yes, and we should go check it out."

We all agreed and traveled in the direction of the crying, and once we got closer I noticed that it was Percy he was bleeding and was about to drive a knife through his heart.

"NO," I yelled as loud as I could. Then I ran towards him bursting through the trees leaving behind Zoë and Bianca who had not seen him since he was fourteen and had not recognized him yet. Once I arrived at Percy I knelt down and started to cradle him to take him to our camp when a kid who was obviously a child of Apollo came over with a black medical bag and started looking through it so I decided to stay here. I turned my attention back to Percy and wondered what could have driven him to commit suicide. When I heard a voice that I knew all to well.

Will POV

When Nico woke me up instead of the other way around I knew something was wrong. So I followed Nico to where he said someone was dying. What I was not expecting was to see Percy laying in a puddle of his own blood being cradled by a dead guy. I immediately ran over when I heard Thalia say, "what the heck is going on here." I looked up and saw Reyna and broke the silence by asking,
"Hey Reyna will you come lend me your strength so I can heal Percy then once I heal him we can discuss what is happening."

Reyna immediately rushed over, and I turned my head back to Luke and asked,

"What happened?"

He said, "I heard crying and followed the sound here to see Percy about to drive a blade into his heart luckily he blacked out before that happened."

Shocked that Percy tried to commit suicide I didn't even register that everyone heard until.

Thalia and Nico, said in unsion, "what our brother tried to kill himself"

By this point I had gotten him stiched up but he still needed a blood transfusion but I can't do this here.

"Does anyone have a tent or something we can take Percy to for a blood transfusion." I asked.

Follow us said a girl who look suspiciously like Nico.

Two updates in one day yay. Please, vote, comment, and spread the word thank you.~
Isabella Argento

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