Chapter 15

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Chris' Songs are okay. But they are not perfect and they absolutely don't sound like the songs, the boys usually sing. But Simon gives a damn about the boys' opinion and they can't do anything against it.

"Okay so you can go now. We will leave in the evening at 8.15 pm. Hurry up because I don't want you to miss the plane okay? And we will start recording a few of the songs next two weeks. That's it, you can go now"

Simon really doesn't care about the boys health. He doesn't notice that Zayn haven't had much sleep in the last months and that he starts getting sick or that Liam looses weight because he stopped eating.

Niall and Louis aren't the same as usually, they don't make jokes or laugh anymore because Simon told them to stop being childish and being more serious.

And Harry, well he hates being here, on tour, right now. They don't have free time at all and this hiding stuff isn't good for Harry's mental health. He notices how he is loosing himself and he can't handle it anymore. He even self harmed.

But Simon doesn't care. The only thing he cares about is how to make more money and that's just disgusting.

Harry wanted to visit his family for a couple of days but Simon didn't allow him to. He said that it would distract Harry from the 'important things in live'. Harry haven't seen his family since their tour started and he really do miss them.

They need a little time out. Otherwise the boys won't be able to record or go on tour anymore or one of them will get badly sick.

The boys actually talked about changing their management. But they can't do anything until the end of 2020, when their contract ends.

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