Destiny is a fickle thing

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The apartment warmed up about the time Hizashi walked into his apartment. He was hungry and craving donuts for some reason. He flicked the tv on so he could have some background noise as he cooked himself some dinner.
"Soulmates huh? Sounds nice." He shrugged, not thinking much of it as he heats up his hot pocket.
Aizawa yawned as he woke up and stood, stretching. He slurped an apple sauce packet before trudging to his bedroom for bed, even though it was only six in the evening. He wants to sleep but he's very anxious about chaperoning the dance. He doesn't want to do it but he has to, for the kids, he reminds himself.
Hizashi was already working on a list of the hottest songs with today's youth. The list had the cha cha slide, the Cupid shuffle, whip and nae nae, and Hizashi's personal favorite, the gummy bear song.
The two men, living next door to each other, never knowing the other's name, bound together by fate. Destined to meet. The problem was, they were both complete and utter idiots.
The night of the winter dance rolled around faster than Aizawa wanted. He sweated in his suit as he combed his hair and gelled it back. He doesn't like crowds or parties. He could hear the neighbor on the phone through the wall.
"Don't worry about it! It'll be great!" Hizashi said, on the phone with Midnight.
"...thanks guy on the other side of the wall.." Aizawa smiled a bit, taking his words personally.
Hizashi had heard the neighbors' quiet remark, and hung up silently.
"You're welcome!" The blonde spoke, making Aizawa blush red and jump back.
"Calm down, shouta..he's on the phone..he wasn't talking to you.." he muttered to himself. Oh shit he needed to go, he pulled his shoes on and walked out the door briskly.
The warmth in the apartment vanished as Aizawa made his way to the school. It was cold in the decorated gym, or so he thought. Paper snowflakes dangled from the ceiling, there was a balloon arch, and lots of shining tinsel. A cheesy reminance of his school days.
He heard the DJ setting up on the stage, watching the blonde boredly. Both men felt a shiver of warmth, but went about their business.
Principal Nezu walked into the gym, nodding and smiling at Aizawa on his way to the stage.
"Hello! You're Present Mic, correct?" He asked.
"Oh, yep! That's me!" Hizashi grinned, plugging in some cords to his turn table.
"I'm principal Nezu."
"I'm so happy to have this gig, you have no idea..err..I mean, thank you for this oppertunity."
"You are quite welcome, my boy!" Nezu chuckled. "The students should start arriving soon."
Aizawa waited by the front of the gym, watching the students come in. All dressed in dresses and suits, smelling of perfumes and hairsprays.
Hizashi started to play music as the lights were dimmed. The first song he played was some remix of Madonna's Material Girl.
Aizawa made his way towards the punch table, watching the students. He had to admit the loud DJ was doing his job well. He hummed along to the song.
Hizashi remixed the song and let it play as he went down to get himself a drink.
He saw Aizawa leaning against the wall beside the table.
"We are liiiiving in a material world!" Hizashi sung as he poured himself some punch.
"And I'm a material girl." Aizawa sung, mostly out of habit.
Then they blinked and locked eyes, as if the world was on fire. The heat rose.
"...You!! You're the guy on the other side of the wall!" Hizashi blurted.
"You're the guy who sings too loud in the shower!" Aizawa exclaimed, a red face. Then he cleared his throat. Saving his composure.
"...I'm Hizashi." The blonde introduced himself.
"Shouta Aizawa....damn it's really hot in here.." he pulled at the scarf around his neck.
"You said it. It's even hotter than my apartment. The air conditioner is always busted." Hizashi panted, placing a round chew necklace in his mouth.
"That's strange, mine is too." The tired man pondered.
"They're probably both the same model and just really old, makes sense since we're neighbors." The blonde chuckled.
Was this true? He had a sprinkle of doubt in his bones. But before he could say anything, the DJ spoke again.
"Oops, gotta get back to the stage...maybe you'd like to get coffee?.." The excitable blonde offered.
"...sure.." he answered, he found the man quite magnitzing. His heart soared in his chest, not truly understanding why though.
The man in leather, clutching his stim toy in his grinning teeth, handed him a card with his number before running back up on stage.
Aizawa smiled slightly at the small card, before looking over to see Mineta hovering around the punch bowl.
"You better not be adding anything to the punch, mineta. Should I go ahead and call your mom?" Aizawa glared at the boy, who shook his head and ran off.

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