An almost forgotten visitor

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Once Aizawa got back to his apartment, he fell asleep happily on the couch in his big yellow sleeping bag. He only stirred when he heard his phone ring.
He shifted and sat up out of his bag. He answered the phone with a yawn.
" Hello?"
"Hey uncle shouta. It's Shinso."
Shinso was Aizawa's nephew, they were alike in a lot of aspects. Quiet, observant, tired, and had the ability to be very grumpy.
"Oh, hey shinso. What's up?" He asked, standing up.
"Remember how you and I talked about me staying with you during Christmas break?"
"Yeah, like I said, you're always welcome."
"Good because I'm on a grey hound, ten minutes from your place." The teen said bluntly.
"Oh, okay then. I will see you soon then."
"Did you forget I was coming?"
" no no I didn't-"
"Heheh yeah sure." The purple headed boy chuckled.
"Sorry, I've been busy with a dance and the neighbor-"
"Your neighbor? I assume you finally came out of your shell and into the dating scene."
"It was one coffee date."
"I see, well I must go, I have low battery. See you soon." The boy said.
"See you soon, Shinso." Aizawa sighed and hung up.
He looked around his so called 'bachlor pad'. Papers in stacks everywhere for grading, some dirty laundry, and little to no food left in the fridge.
He cursed and began running around, cleaning. Soon there was a knock on the door. He stopped and opening the door, excepting Shinso but it was Hizashi.
"Oh hello..uhh..pardon the mess. I'm cleaning."
"Oh you look like you need a hand! I'd be more than happy to assist." The blonde offered.
Aizawa thought for a minute, deciding he is indeed desperate.
"Yes please. My nephew is coming to stay and I completely forgot.." the tired man sighed.
"Say no more. I am a master at cleaning. We'll get this place straightened up in no time." Hizashi grinned, coming in.
The two cleaned in a flurry. At some point, Hizashi was singing Queen while mopping the bathroom. Aizawa watched him and felt a warmth blossom in his chest.
Then the knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Shinso was here.
He opened the door and saw the purple haired boy with his bags on the welcome mat.
"Hey uncle Shouta." He smiled slightly.
"Come in, me and Hizashi were just cleaning."
"Hizashi? Is that the neighbor?" Shinso asked.
"Yes he's the neighbor. And be nice."
"Of course. I don't bite." Shinso gave him a toothy grin.
"Aizawa, I didn't know you owned a hello kitty alarm clock. That's so awesome!" Hizashi grinned coming into the living room.
"Hello sir, my name is Shinso." The purple haired teen said quietly.
"Hello!! I'm Hizashi, it's good to meet you. You look like a mini Aizawa!" Hizashi grinned, excited man.
"I take that as a compliment." Shinso nodded, sitting on the couch.
"I'll order dinner, Hizashi would you like to join us?" Aizawa asked.
"That's what I was going to ask! I came over to ask you to dinner."
"...oh..." Aizawa blushed slightly.
"But this works out!" The blonde grinned, sitting on the couch.
" does...I prefer to eat take out rather than out at places..." Aizawa mumbled.
"Whooh, your apartment is just as warm as mine, if not warmer." Hizashi huffed.
"Really?'s rather cold in here.." Shinso mumbled under his breath.
"It does feel warm in here.." Aizawa replied, ordering dinner on his phone.
The two grown men stayed oblivious. Even being this close together. The warmth was smothering like the feeling of jittery butterfly crushes.
Shinso was caught between the two's obnoxious subtle flirting as they ate their take out curry and watched an action movie.
Shinso watched as his uncle fell asleep with his head on the loud blonde's shoulder. And then Hizashi fell asleep as well. Shinso sighed and turned off the tv, covering the mens' laps with a throw blanket. Then the teen shuffled to his futon in Aizawa's bedroom, texting with his boyfriend and watching videos of cats.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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