The coffee date

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Aizawa made a beeline to his bedroom, undressing and getting right into bed. Falling asleep almost instantly.
Hizashi on the other hand, are a quick bowl of cereal before following suit into dream land.
Hizashi awoke at eleven thirty to the sound of his phone chiming with a message.
'The cafe a block down at noon.' A number had texted. He assumed it was his pretty neighbor.
'You got it!' Hizashi answered, sending a happy little gif of a cockatoo. Earning a near silent chuckle from Aizawa.
Hizashi dressed and put his hair up. Leather jacket, leather pants and his signature sun glasses. He wanted to make a good impression.
He walked into the cafe to see Aizawa, sitting at a table.
"Sorry! Were you waiting long?" The blonde asked, embarrassed that he was late.
"Just sat down actually." The tired man yawned softly.
It was as warm as the car ride home the night before for the two men as the went to the cashier to order their drinks.
The small woman took their orders swiftly and with a good attitude. To which the two men were grateful, not wanting anything to ruin the mood.
"So you're a teacher! That's so cool!" Hizashi grinned, sitting across from the smaller man.
"Yeah, I teach highschool math. Thrilling job, I know." Aizawa said sarcastically, which Hizashi didn't catch.
"It's really thrilling! I have like mad respect for you! Makin an impact on today's youth."
This caught Aizawas attention in the most shocking and sweet way. He sputtered nervously. He pulled himself back together quickly to not seem awkward.
"...thank students think I'm the devil..they mean a lot to a sense.." he looked up at Hizashi who was grinning brighter than the sun.
"Yeah, they like you even if they don't know it now. I didn't like my English teacher back in the day, and now I wouldn't be where I was without her! I'm a radio host so talking is a big thing that I do every day!" The blonde rambled excitedly, leaving the other to cling to the sentences.
Aizawa chuckled warmly. "So radio, that is very interesting in my opinion."
"Oh yeah it sure is! I get to pick a lot of the music and I get to talk a lot! Which is a big part of my personality. Talking just feels good. And I have fans! And-and I get to do live gigs too!" Hizashi's hands were flapping lightly as he spoke with such enthusiasm.
"Sounds exciting." Aizawa nodded, smiling so subtly.
"Yeah, it's my life. But I've been thinking about getting out there, ya know, in the dating scene. Maybe try settling down, instead of being so married to my job."
Aizawa felt a pang in his heart. He understood how Hizashi felt, he too was married to his job.
"...I understand that. Maybe get a cat." Aizawa nodded softly.
"A cat? You like cats?" Hizashi asked, smiling and leaning forward slightly to show interest.
"..I do. I've wanted one since I was young but the land lord won't allow pets.." he sighed.
"Why don't you just move then?"
"I enjoy my small apartment...even if the ac is broken.."
"I understand that, I like my apartment too." Hizashi hummed, putting his chew in his necklace in his mouth.
"What is that?" Aizawa asked curiously.
"Oh? This is my chew stim, I used to bite my nails and my shirt, but now I bite on this instead! It's really ingenious."
"Hm. Sounds like it." He nodded softly. He wondered if he could find something like that would help him with his anxious picking.
"And it has this cool little symbol on the back." Hizashi showed it and it was a rainbow infinity sign.
"..what does it mean? you're gay?" Aizawa asked.
"...well no but yes! I mean..It means autism pride but I am gay so.." the blonde chuckled, shrugging.
"That makes sense. I didn't peg you as the straight type." Aizawa chuckled softly.
They shared their coffees and talked until later in the afternoon.

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