Chapter 54

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Daria found Ivy where she'd left her, but without Harley. Upon noticing Daria in the doorframe, Ivy's tense posture softened.
"I'm pleased to see you, I could use a companion today."
Her hair was bunched into a large red bun bound with vibrant pink flowers and their stems.

"Feeling lonely?" Daria decided to ask. Ivy laughed, melodically, in return.

"Not lonely, I'm never alone when I have my babies," she gestured to the plants that flourished within the penthouse. "Being with a friend is a rare but enjoyable pastime of mine too. It used to be Jonathan and I spending lots of time together if I wasn't with Selina or Harley. It's changed a lot over the past few months. I feel the next step of my work is to replant the whole earth. Create a new rise to nature. That can't happen just in Gotham. It has to be the whole world."

Daria took off her boots and jumped onto the unmade bed, crossing her legs and leaning forward to give Ivy her full attention. 
She found herself, for a moment, lost in taking in Ivy's strong beautiful features. Her soft arched eyebrows, round eyes, and strong jaw. Her skin was still not back to its strong deep green. Daria wondered if the gas cloud hanging over Gotham was affecting the sun's access to Ivy's skin.

"So would the next step be to leave Gotham? I've heard some others say this for a while. The city may as well be a children's playpen at the mall at the rate the Rogues play around and refuse to leave." Daria had been thinking this for a long time, but never spoken to another about it.

"Where do you fall in all of this Daria Morrison?" Ivy's voice became hardened, no longer soft and thoughtful. Ivy joined Daria, sitting on the bed.

"I'm with Jonathan," Daria shrugged. "I'm his companion."

"What does he do in support of you, what are your dreams and aspirations? Why did you join the Rogues?"

Daria blinked, then smiled at Ivy, wondering why her answer wasn't as flowing and articulating like the rest of her speech had.
Her smile grew wider before dropping into a frown and her whole body quaked with her shuddering breath.

"Inhale Daria," A sweet smell took a hold of her, making everything in the room fuzzy. She looked down to see a flower had been placed under her nose. It was large petalled and pink with yellow inflections.
She felt warm and shuffled herself to rest her head on Ivy's thighs. Ivy brushed back Daria's hair and placed the flower behind her ear so that she was still able to smell its soft sweet scent.

"You've made the decisions that have led you to here now," Ivy continued to run her fingers through Daria's hair, "I've got you now. I am not asking to make you upset, I am asking to help you find your own needs and own desires, so you can follow after them."

"I just... left everything behind all at once," Daria whispered.
"Yes but you didn't end everything, you just changed."
"I feel confused," Daria rolled over to look up at Ivy, "or... I feel I should be feeling confused but I feel like I've done what I want."
Ivy's lips curved up and then she offered a perfect smile, "good, that's what we wanted to hear. We can decide things as we go along. You don't have to have your life sorted all in one go, that isn't living, that isn't... human," the word human was questionable these days with individuals like Ivy who possess metahuman abilities and traits. "Hell, I was on my way to making botanical discoveries and working hard as an academic before my rebirth, and then everything changed drastically, overnight as you may say, I adore my current state."
It reassured Daria to hear that, or maybe it was the lovely psychotropic flower Ivy had adorned upon her.
It was probably both.

"Where's Harley?" Daria decided to ask after a few minutes of peaceful silence.
Ivy twisted her body slightly to reach behind her on the bed and brought back a piece of paper and a Joker playing card.
Sharing is Caring! - J

"I see." Daria frowned at the letter. "How does that make you feel?"
"It's been going on for ages and Harley still loves me so I don't mind at all if it's what Harley wants," Ivy smiled. "I just would kill that Clown for hurting or manipulating her anytime."

Daria recalled back to the night when Ivy was taking a peculiar drug and beat up the Joker significantly. She shivered at the imagery. Her opinion was that Ivy was trying to get used to the idea and liked the idea but was yet to be comfortable with the Joker, of all 'people', being in Harley's life.

"When will she be back?" Ivy's smile of (self?) reassurance faded and she shrugged. "Now, let's forget about that for now and seize the day," Daria felt Ivy's fingers move through her hair once more, discarding the flower before she rose from sitting on the bed, causing Daria's head to fall onto the mattress in a moment of restricted motor skills and a heavy body sensation.
"Hey Ivy, can you make Coffee for me... magically," Daria didn't know what else to call it. A scoff followed by rolled eyes was all she got. "It would take me a lot of energy. I'd rather not." Daria pouted and attempted to push herself up to sit only to roll off the bed, punctuated with a dull thump! on the carpet. 

"Selina would be disgusted by your lack of grace," Ivy laughed. Daria couldn't help but laugh as well. "Don't forget your gas mask, we have things to do!" There was sparkle in her eyes. Daria only hoped hers were similar, she felt motivated and supported. She was going to exist and exist loudly. 

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