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"Every 'new' beginning comes from some other beginning'send"

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"Every 'new' beginning comes from some other beginning'send"

**PHONE RINGING** I look at the Caller ID and see Shy's name. I look at the time and it's around 12h50. Something doesn't add up. I know something is up because one: Shy would never phone me, especially during the day. Secondly, even if she were to call, she would have texted before-hand to let me know that she'd be calling. It could be an emergency but somehow, I doubt that. Let's just say in that moment my "bitch-n**ga" sense was going off like crazy! "Hello. Who's this?" I say as I answer the phone call.

Square Dude: "Fuck you! You better stay away from my woman!"

Me: "Yo, who's this?"

Square Dude: "FUCK YOU! You better leave her alone, or I will fuck you up!"

Me: "Listen dude, I don't even know who you are, but you should probably be telling your girl to stay away from me, not me to stay away from her."

Square Dude: "I Know who you are, and I will find you and fuck you up. Leave her alone!"

Me: "Are you serious?? Look dude, if you 'wanna' find me that badly, ask your girl to bring you through to my spot. Her scent is still fresh off my bed sheets. I'm sure she still remembers how to get where I am."

Square Dude: "FUCK YOU!" **Hangs Up**.

I look at the phone befuddled, and I chuckle, asking myself what in the hell just went down. I thought about phoning the dude back for a second, but then I decided it wasn't worth it. I'm not even going to ask Shy about the dumb shit that just went down, besides, this dude sounds unstable I might rile him up to a point where he physically abuses her over this dumb shit. I go about my day as usual. I know Shy will eventually try phoning me and to spin a story attempting to explain herself, it's all good though. Sure enough, as I'm going about my day, around 15h00, I receive a text. "I'm so sorry about that, this guy is crazy, he's not even my boyfriend. He just likes me, and I don't even like him that way. I'm really sorry babe". I text back: "It's whatever. You good though?"

Meanwhile, in the back of my mind I'm thinking this girl must think I'm stupid as hell, but I'll play along and see what the end game is here. After a while she responds, "I'm ok, I thought you were going to be mad at me." – I write back "Nah, it's all good – we're good" and then she responds with, "Baby, when are you making me a playlist? I can't wait to dance to songs put together by my man" I chuckle to myself and text back, "soon babe" and then we end the conversation there. I go on about my day to day once again. A few hours more hours of the day go by, I get home after gym and just after I've settled in at the crib, another phone call comes in. I peep the Caller ID once again and this time it's a random, unsaved number. My "bitch-nigga" senses go off once more and I know for a fact it's this dumb-ass dude phoning again, but I remain cool regardless.

Me: "Hello...?"

Square Dude: "Do you know who I am!? I'm 'gonna' fuck you up if you don't leave my woman alone!"

Me: "Look dude, I could give two fucks about who you are! Maybe you should ask your girl to stop texting me and stop wasting my damn time with these stupid ass phone calls."

Square Dude: "Fuck you! I will kill you, I'm coming for you!"

Me: "Hey man, would you like for me to send you my address or location? I mean we could end this shit quickly."

Square Dude: ... **Hangs Up**

Now I get a little concerned, thinking this dude might just bring his goons through and fuck me up for real, but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of making me look soft, especially over the phone. Fuck it, if it comes down to it, we are definitely going to square-up! I shake the feeling off and go on with my day. I'm thinking this is it, with shit like this suddenly going down I know Shy and I will be done soon. I guess you could say I always knew this day was coming so I never really attached myself, but still, why do I feel like I have some unfinished business with her? I mean I've always known, in the back of my mind, that her fine ass had to have a man posted up somewhere. I need to 'take her for a spin' at least one last time... fuck for the road, if you will. So, I begin planning how I'm going make that happen as soon as possible. I've noticed her becoming more and more flaky recently and I figured it is what it is. At least she hadn't caught feelings or if she had, she was damn good at not making it too obvious. Besides, a big part of her job is basically pretending to feel a certain way about dudes. A few weeks after the 'incident' I phone her and ask if she'd like to join my boys and I for paint-balling, with a few of her colleagues – she acts all excited and says she'd be coming through for sure. Since she has been flaky as of late, I decide I'm not going to hold my breath... I might just die doing that. A few days go by and she texts me on some "Babe, you promised me a playlist I can dance to – can I get it when I see you?" I text back and say "Sure, I'll get it to you on the day we pick you up to go paint-balling" to which she says: "That's great – can't wait to dance to a playlist made by my baby."

The day finally arrives. It's Saturday morning and I have not spoken to this woman since the text exchange regarding the playlist. So, I phone her and regardless of a gut feeling telling me she won't answer. Sure enough she does not. I figure she's probably still asleep, so I'll hit her up in about two hours. The time is 7h00a.m – I go about my regular day and text one of my guys to find out if the other women will be coming through. He responds and says to me they've confirmed and will be coming through. So I decide to call up one of the other strippers who's supposed to also come through and tell her to put one of her 'civilian' friends on standby because I have a feeling Shy's going to be on some bullshit. She responds and say that it's all good, she will call up one of her homegirls and get her to come through if need be. So now that a contingency is covered, I once again, try to get hold of Shy, maybe about two hours or so later and sure enough she doesn't answer. I personally have a rule that applies to women, if I call you twice and you do not answer or make an effort to respond within the next few hours or so, I'm never calling you again. I am certain she can see the missed calls. Obviously, there is an exception to the rule, but that exception does not apply in this instance. So right then and there I delete her number and decide I'll see her when I see her. Later, during the morning myself and my dude arrive at the strip club, to collect the other women and head out to the paint-balling spot. Moments after arriving outside the club, as my dude picks up his phone to alert the other girls that we were waiting, I peep Shy walking out the club and across the street. I laugh and say to myself this girl cannot be serious right now. I contemplate leaving her be, but my ego takes me over and I decide to rather confront her and spare her the admin of having to come up with creative lies. So, I jump out the passenger seat of the vehicle and jog across the street toward her. At this point I've made it all up in my mind, this girl and I are over. I'm going to walk across that street towards her and tell her what it is. I'm a few meters behind her and just as I call her name out, she opens a vehicle passenger door, turns around and looks at me dead in the eye with a look of genuine surprise. I stand there and stare back into her eyes. A moment of what, at the time, feels like an eternity of awkward silence ensues before anyone of us can say anything...

**To Be Continued**

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