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 "A man who hangs arounda beautiful girl without speaking his intentions ends up fetching water forguests at her wedding" - African Proverb

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 "A man who hangs arounda beautiful girl without speaking his intentions ends up fetching water forguests at her wedding" - African Proverb

JayRabbit and I officially meet. I shake her hand and watch her proceed to introduce herself to everyone else. JayRabbit is absolutely attractive! Her posture in heels is just immaculate! I call her JayRabbit with good reason after all, she has a physique similar to that of the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit. You wouldn't have to try hard to picture it. A sizable pair of supple breasts, a very flat midsection and, of course, a tiny waist to complete the package. She had the 'oh so lovely' wide childbearing hips, thick thighs and a magnificent behind to top that all off. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding... That ass was PHAT!!! That knee high, pencil skirt was having 'large amounts' of trouble containing all of that wholesomeness. I digress... So, I go on about my morning and do my day to day. Later I receive a phone call and as my luck would have it, the manager requests me to make sure JayRabbit is setup with her work equipment and that she is ready to take on her new role at the office. I'm generally calm and easy when exposed to such situations, but for some reason, I was nervous about being in a room alone with her. I needed to calm myself before going in there. My dudes at the office weren't helping the situation with their childish remarks. "Ah mfana don't disappoint us..." they said "Don't get there only to crash and burn, son" another said... "Dude! ... I know she's yours go and get her...". All of that really fucked with my head and my confidence lost a bit of poise. I mean, I usually would laugh it off as silly remarks and just do my thing, but this time around it got to me, I was slightly off my game because, I guess, I actually wanted to get with this woman. That was the moment I realized I might really be doomed as far as this entire thing went. How could I like this woman that much before even having so much as a conversation with her? Something had to give. In that moment, my nervousness quickly turned into curiosity when I decided I wanted to see how far I could actually get with a woman like that. The comments made by my colleagues a few moments ago, should have actually been an indication that I was heading into that situation without much, if any, competition. So, I made my way to JayRabbit's office and told myself that the worst that could happen was a brief conversation and silent rejection that I could eventually brush off as me just punching out of my 'weight-class'.

I arrive at her office and momentarily pause outside her door. I see her slightly hunched over arranging some stuff in the office, concentrating on the task before her, with her left hand lightly placed just above the left side of her neck as if to keep it out of the way. She seemed gentle and understandably nervous. I stood there admiring her silently, hesitant to disturb her from what she was doing. She eventually looked up after about half a minute and noticed me. "Oh hi..." she smiled gently and nervously. Her eyes appeared to be tired but maintained a radiance and beauty about them. It was calming to see. "I guess you're here to get me set up?" She enquired. "Yeah, I guess I am". I said, as I walked toward her desk with a coy smile on my face. "Please excuse the mess, I'm trying to get everything arranged" her voice was low and soft, I guess her nervousness inadvertently calmed my nervousness and I readily took advantage of that. I said to her, "I understand so don't worry about it. I mean it is your first day here after all". She stood beside me with her hands folded, looking my direction the entire time, I was seated busy getting her set up. "I hope you don't mind that I asked for you specifically to help me, it's just that out of all the guys, I remembered you from the time I came for my final interview and you seemed really nice, plus you complimented my shoes". She said with a shy giggle. "Oh damn, she remembers that?" I thought to myself silently, and then responded saying, "And here I was thinking you're used to hearing nice things said about you from random dudes". She unfolded her arms, took a few steps toward me and said, "Oh really?" as she set right beside me, on the desk. "And what would make you think that?" she asked, looking at me dead in the eye with a curious smile on her face, still a hint of nervousness on her face. "Well, you're a very attractive woman and naturally some guys would want to let you know." I replied. To which she responds, "Oh? And what about you? Do you find me attractive?" I break eye contact and look away as I chuckle nervously. I'm thinking I'm not about to go out like a punk and respond like the square dude that I am, but I've got to find the 'perfect' response to her question and fast. If I give her an outright 'Yes' she'd probably think I'm the usual everyday dude that she could use for validation but on the other hand, if I play it too cool, she might think I'm the friend-zone type square dude, you know, the type who simps hard and hopes for a pity fuck. So, I finally went with saying, "Well, I haven't seen enough of you to conclude with my own scale of 1-10 just yet, but so far I do place you in the 'good looking' category". "Hhmm, Interesting – so then what needs to happen for us to get to the point where you are able to properly measure with your 1-10 scale?" She retorts. Damn! ... I hadn't thought she would take this conversation beyond my last response, what do I say now? So, I decide to throw in a slick, camo question of my own as a response. Felt risky but I had to know anyway, so I say, "Well, that depends on how your boyfriend would feel about the events that would lead up to that?" Her response caught me off guard as she chuckled and said: "I think my husband won't care much to want to know the details." My thoughts fired off, "Whoa! Husband? Damn, I knew a woman like this would not be without at least a boyfriend, but married? I guess I didn't stand a chance after all." I pause momentarily and then think to myself, "Oh well, I may just as well nip this flirting in the bud and go cry in the fetal position, in some dark corner." I look at her with a fake cheeky smile on my face and say, "Next thing you'll be telling me that your kids wouldn't approve of you talking to me." She laughs out loud and says, "Actually, my girls are quite sweet, they are much sweeter than I am." My thoughts go off again! "Wait, wait, wait, WAIT! Really!? She has offspring too? Damn!" I maintain a cool expression and respond with, "I like them already, if they're much sweeter than you." I didn't know what else to say to her, that was the best I could master at the time. "Do you have children of your own?" she asked. "Well, none that I know of, so, let me go with no!" was my response. To which she 'fishily' responds, "Does your girlfriend want children?" "Well, when I have one, I will ask her." Was my retort – She looked at me without saying a single word further, moved away from the table and after a little while, said, "Interesting". My curiosity almost got the better of me and I wanted to ask why she found that interesting, but eventually just let out a short chuckle and left it alone. So, I finally finished what I was doing, got up from her chair and proceeded to say my goodbyes. I made my way out of her office and just as I was walking away, I hear her say, "Hey, you should leave me your office number in case I need help with something". I turn around, walk back toward her desk without saying a word and grab a sticky note to write my number down, "Here you go" I finally say, as I hand her the piece of paper "Call me!" I said again, as I walk away waving my thumb and pinkie finger around making a telephone hand gesture. She takes it and tells me she will remember it and call me.

A day has gone by and I haven't seen or spoken to her since our previous encounter. I'm sitting at my workstation, minding my business, and my office telephone rings. I pick up, annoyed as hell thinking it's probably someone who needs help with a silly computer problem. Upon answering, I hear a soft and mellow "Hey Kay – How are you?"

Me: "Oh, Hello JayRabbit – I'm not too bad, how are you?"

JayRabbit: "Argh, I can't complain, I'm just bored because I've done everything I needed to do already. Have you had coffee yet?"

Me: "Yes I have – but I guess a second serving of the morning is in order, would you like to go get one with me?"

JayRabbit: "Pleeeease! Meet you at the kitchen in 5minutes?"

Me: "Even I will not refuse a beautiful lady; I will see you in a bit"

JayRabbit: **giggles** "You're such a charmer. Ok I'll see you now"

***5 minunes later***

I finally arrive at the kitchen and JayRabbit is right there looking as exquisite as only she can. She's wearing a tight pair of formal pants that show off her magnificently feminine curves, together with a blue shirt and a formal jacket over it. The outfit was completed by a nice pair of red-bottom designer heels. I say to her, "Please excuse my wondering eyes, it's not every day they get to behold such allure – so basically what I'm saying is, damn you look good!" I'm saying all this as I walk towards her – she laughs out loud and leans in for a hug, I oblige and as we're hugging I say, "Hold on, am I allowed to say all of that to you?" to which she responds, "Well, I look good don't I? So yes Kay, you are allowed." Touché! So, we prepare our coffee and stand around the kitchen with her telling me about her time at her new job thus far; me telling her what to look forward to and what to look out for. We continue the chat for over 20minutes as people go in and out the kitchen. Finally, she says "Look at me losing track of time – I should head back to the office". "Yeah you should probably head back, we will get a chance to do this again soon" I say. To which she says, "It was actually good talking to you, so I'd like that a lot". I take advantage of that comment and say, "In that case I should probably ask you what you're having for lunch? I could show you around the outside of the office and get lunch while we're at it?" She sighs out loud and then says, "I thought you'd never offer – It's a date!" she giggles and walks away. Oh, how I love watching her walk away, if I knew how, I would draw you an accurate mental depiction of what my eyes had to behold. I had convinced myself that I needed to get to know her even better. She was throwing some subtle flirtatious comments my way during all our encounters, that must mean she likes me to a certain extent. I can tell when I speak to her that she's curious, because I am as well or, perhaps I fucked around and caught feelings for a married woman that's just being friendly with the only person she's so far been able to interact with? Nah fuck that, there has got to be something there, the stuff she's shared, no matter how little detail she provided, had to mean something beyond just her being friendly. I've picked up a hint of her being a little unsettled in her marriage and I guess you could say I was up to becoming her 'steppingstone' away from that bad situation. Lunch time came and just as I was thinking of giving her a call, my phone rings. I pick up and say hi, "Hey, are we still on for our date? I could use a walk." I tell her to come past my side of the office. She arrives a few minutes later, clutching her purse and phone in hand. Her arms were crossed at the wrists just over her groin area, as she looks at me with what appeared to be an excited smile. "I'm ready for our date" She finally remarks...

**To Be Continued**

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