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Harry and I were in the car on our way to the bar the guys wanted to meet up at. The drive was silent while he drove and I was on my phone. I hadn't given him want he wanted when we were in the shower and we actually got into an argument that led to him calling me vulgar names and me slapping him. "Y/n, are you still pissed?" He asked softly. "Of course I am. What makes you think you can just call me names like that, Harry?" I asked. He stayed silent not having an answer. "I'm your girlfriend, Harry. I'm the person who loves you more than anyone or anything in this world. I would give up my life for you. The least you could do is respect me and love me back, but you've turned into this fame craving asshole, I don't even want to be around anymore. You except people to bow down to you and I'm sorry to burst the bubble that surrounds your perfect world, baby, but that's not how this works. We're a team and if you can't be there for me, I won't be there for you. It's a simple as that." As the car came to a hault I got out and walked into the bar to be greeted by the guys. "Hey, love. What's wrong?" Zayn asked. "Harry. He's being a dick. I need a shot." I said. The bartender put one infront of me and I quickly gulped it down followed by many more. I didn't notice Harry walked in and was standing next to me. I went to get another shot, but Harry stopped me. "No more, babe. You're wasted. Let's go dance." He said pulling me out to the dance for. I was still pissed at him and drunk or sober, I wasn't going to forget about it. "No. I don't want to dance with you. Don't touch me." I said pulling away from his touch. I stumbled back into a guy with black hair and dark blue eyes. He smiled at me. "Will you dance with me?" I asked him. He responded by grabbing my hips and moving himself agaisnt me. Soon I felt my arm being pulled and I was outside of the bar.

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