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Y/n stopped the car near the entrance of the airport and paparazzi started surrounding the car. "I love you." I said softly. She looked down and then out her window. "Why aren't you saying it back?" I asked. "Harry, you know I love you. I don't need to say it." "I want to hear you say it." I said. "I love you." She said raising her voice. "Y/n, I know we haven't been the same, but you could at least tell me you love me in a way that's believable." "Harry, I do love you. I love you more than anything in this whole world. It doesn't matter how we've been acting towards each other, that doesn't change my feelings for you. You're my husband. I married you for a reason and that reason is because I love you more than anyone or anything. So, don't give me the third degree." I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers. "Will you walk me inside?" I asked. "I can't. I'm in the drop off lane and the paparazzi are everywhere. It's to early to deal with them right now. I'll help you get your stuff, but I can't go inside." She said quietly. "Okay, princess." I said before we got out of the car. Shouts of the paparazzi filled our ears and insults started. Y/n was rather good at ignoring the comments. She understood that that's just the kind of people that were in this world and let it go. She opened the trunk of her car and I grabbed my bag before closing the trunk. I set my bag on the car and held her. "I love you." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I love you, baby. Just a week then I'll be home. Promise." "I know. One week." She looked up and I pressed my lips to hers and cupped her face deepening the kiss not caring about the cameras surrounding us. Once I pulled away she hugged me again. "Bye, Haz. I love you." I pecked her lips before grabbing my bag. "Love you more." I said before she got in her car and I walked inside as she drove away.

~2 days later ~

I was at an interview with the guys and the topics of our relationships, of course, came into the conversation. "How about you, Harry? How are you and your wife?" The interviewer asked. "We're alright." "There's these pictures of you two when she dropped you off at the airport a couple days ago and the conversation looked rather intense." He said. "Um, she's not a morning person. I was asking too many questions." "You guys haven't exactly do I say it....happy lately, have you?" He asked. I looked down and cleared my throat. "We're happy. There's just a rough patch right now, but we'll make it past it. We love each other and she wouldn't let me leave that easily. She wouldn't move on if she felt like she didn't try everything possible to help fix it." I said. "How is that?" He asked. "I already told her that divorce wasn't an option. We have to fix problems instead of running from them." "But, there is problems?" I nodded. "No marriage is perfect. Everyone fights with their loved ones at some point." "Does she see it that way or does she disance herself?" He asked. I started to get a little upset hearing the things he was asking me because it was my marriage, not the rest of the world's. "She's just a little quieter than she used to be, but she doesn't distance herself. She kisses me every night and tells me she loves me everyday. We don't talk when we're around each other, but for me just being with her is enough." The boys said "awh" in unison making the interviewer laugh. "But you think you guys will last?" He asked. I nodded. "Of course. It doesn't matter what happens that day. She could scream and yell at me and not talk to me, but at the end of the day, she's still my girl."

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