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When I woke up the next morning I had tons of missed calls and texts from Harry. Last night I stayed awake thinking about what I was going to do about Harry when I finally decided to go to a divoirce attorney. I sighed before getting out of bed and getting dressed. When I was brushing my teeth, Harry started his rapid rampage of calls and texts again. " I'm coming home early if you don't answer me." One text said. I rolled my eyes finishing getting ready and walked out of the door. When I was backing out of the driveway Harry called and I answered it. "What do you want?" I ask annoyed. "It's abot fucking time! I've been calling you-" I chuckled. "I know you have." I said laughing. "This isn't funny, Y/n. Don't ignore me when we have fights. You know I hate that." "Why do you think I do it?" I asked. He groaned. "I'm coming home early, babe. We have to talk about this." He said firmly. "You do whatever makes you happy, Harry. I'm getting off the phone." "Are you going to work?" He asked. "Yeah, sure." I said quickly. "Alright, I love you." "You, too, Harry. Bye." I said before getting off the phone. When I got to the attorney's office her assistant greeted me and then my attorney walked out. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. You must be Mrs. Styles. I'm Rebecca. Just follow mr in here and have a seat." She said. I followed her and sat down across from her. "So, what's the situation or reason for this divorce?" She asked. "My husband is unfaithful and doesn't like being loyal." I said. She nodded. "Typical reason." She said. "This shouldn't be a long divorce. That is if your husband is cooperative." "He won't be. He strictly said no divorce, but I found out he cheated last night so, I'm here today."

The next night, Harry called me telling me that he needed me to pick him up from the airport. Yesterday, I got the divorce papers very quickly and I already signed them. I decided I was going to tell Harry when he got home so we were face to face. When I got to the airport I walked inside to get him. When he saw me he smiled. He picked me up hugging me. "I missed you, baby." He said in my ear. He placed me back down and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back which caught him off guard. "Hey, kiss me back. That's not cool." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go." "No, not until you kiss me." He said. He crossed his arms and I groaned before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Now we can go." He said beforr grabbing my hand. When we got in the car he started asking me question after question and it was pissing me off. It was a good thing that I drove fast on the way home. When we walked inside the house he sat down on the sofa and pulled me onto his lap. "Kiss me, baby girl." He said as he held my hips. "I have to study to get that promotion." I said getting off of his lap. "Stop, acting like this. I don't understand." He got up and followed me to the kitchen. I began throwing things around out of anger. "What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled. "Maybe this!" I yelled throwing the magazine at him. He looked at it before running his hands over his face. "Fuck!" He yelled walking into our room.

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