Chapter 19

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I hadn't heard anything from Harry in a couple days and I honestly could care less. If it didn't have anything to do with Sage, I didn't want to hear from him. He's an inconsiderate ass who doesn't care about his own daughter. He was supposed to be bringing Sage back, but I was piled in at work with the new issue coming up. "Mrs. Styles, your ex husband is calling. Would you like me to take a message?" The assistant asked through the phone's speaker. Since I hadn't remarried, my last name stayed as Harry's and I didn't really mind since it kind of made me think all of these negative things didn't happen between us. "Ask him want he it's about, please?" "Yes, Ma'am." She said before the speaker went out. About 2 minutes later the phone beeped. "Yes?" I asked. "He says it's about Sage and that he would really appreciate it if you would talk to him." I sighed before picking of the phone. "Hello?" "Hey, what time do you want to meet up?" Harry asked. "I don't know. I'm swamped at work, Harry." "Do you want me to drop her off with you then? I have to leave for interviews. Our plane is leaving in about 2 hours." I groaned. "I guess, but you better spend time with her for the last hour you have her. I was serious last night." He sighed. "Alright, I'll be there soon. I love-bye." My eyes widened before he hung up. Why does he keep doing that? He does it all the time. I sighed before going back to work. I remembered that I had a meeting and I walked out to the meeting room. In the middle of the meeting Josie came in the doors. "Mrs. Styles, I hate to interrupt you, but your daughter is here with her father." "Oh great. Thank you." I said. I wrapped up the meeting and then meet the two of them in my office. Sage squealed from excitement when she saw me. "Mama!" She yelled. "Hi, baby. How are you?" "I missed you, Mommy." She said as I picked her up. I kissed all over her face making her giggle. "So beautiful." Harry mumbled. "We need to talk, Haz." I said. "Josie, can you watch her for a few minutes?" "Yes, Mrs.Styles. I can." She and I handed Sage to her and closed the door.

"What's up? What do you need to talk about? I have to get going soon." Harry said. "Five minutes, Harry. That's all I want." He sighed before he nodded. He smirked. "What are you smirking at?" I asked. "Nothing. It's just that desk. There's so many memories." He said. "Harry, focus." "Alright. Let's talk." He said as he stood up from his seat. "Do you really not want to see Sage anymore?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you said it yourself. It was the last time and I'm such a piece of shit father." "You are a piece of shit father, Haz. No doubt about it." I said crossing my arms. "Hm, and tell me how I'm such a piece of shit, Y/n?" He said rudely. "First of all, you called your own daughter a "thing", and then said she wasn't even yours. So, don't try to be father of the year, Harry. You told me you didn't want to have visitations with Sage anymore. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you even think about saying that?" I asked. "Y/n, I'm not ready to be a dad. I don't want to be one." He whined. "Well, I guess you should've thought about that before you took advantage of me and got me pregnant." He rolled eyes. "I didn't take advantage of you. You were still my wife-" "And I was drunk off my ass and you knew I'd do anything with you because I love you." He looked up quickly. "You love me?" He asked softly. "I love the person you used to be. Not the person you are now, Haz. You're the father of my child. I'll always have a place in my heart for you, but we just aren't meant for each other. We talked about this." He shook his head. "I just don't get it. Why don't you love me now? Why can't you just accept this is the person you love?" I sighed. "Because you aren't my Harry. You're not the person I married and you aren't the person who held my hand for 15 hours in the delivery room while I was in labor and told me how amazing parents we were going to be. You told me you'd be there for me and you weren't. You left me and Sage alone while you went out and partied. I loved you, Harry, but I won't love this part of you. Not now, not ever."

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