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I remembered that I was meeting my friend Valerie for lunch. I was scared furious at Harry for what he said, but I needed to forget it and try to calm down. I pulled up to the restaurant and Valerie was waiting for me at an outside table. "Hey. There you are." "Sorry, I dropped off Sage with Harry and it took a little longer than usual." I said before sitting down. "What happened?" She asked. I shook my head. "It doesn't matter, Val." "Yes it does. What happened?" She asked. I sighed. "He doesn't want his visitations with Sage anymore. Then he tried making us splitting, my fault. And he said Sage wasn't his daughter." "That's a little stupid. She's obviously his. She doesn't even look like you. It's his features all over that baby." She said. My phone started ringing and I groaned seeing Harry's face on the screen. I'd never gotten around to take it off or maybe I just didn't want to. "What do you want, Harry?" I said answering my phone. "We aren't done talking about this, Y/n." "Yes we are. There's nothing to talk about. You're nothing like the Harry I used to know. The Harry I know would put his daughter before anything and anyone." Sage started to cry in the background. "Baby girl, stop crying. It's alright." Harry said trying to comfort her. "Y/n, will call me back later so we can talk?" "No. Call me if Sage needs something. I'll see you in a couple days." I said before hanging up. "Alright let's eat I'm starving." I said. We ordered our food and ate and then parted our separate ways. I drove back to my house and when I got home I decided to clean up and then take a shower. When I got out of the shower there was a knock on my door and I opened it seeing Niall's face and then Zayn came behind him. "Hey what are you two doing here?" I asked as I let them inside. "We thought we'd come and see how ya were. We haven't seen ya in a while." Niall said. "I know. I've been busy with work." "Where's Sage?" Zayn asked. "With Harry." "Finally got him to spend time with her, huh?" I sighed. "Yeah. Finally."Niall and Zayn stayed for a couple hours until it was a little late. "I'll see you later, Y/n." Niall said. They both hugged me before they left and I went back to cleaning for the next hour. I then decided to go to bed since there was nothing else I could do. It was always like this. I was insanely bored whenever Harry would take Sage for the weekend. There was no one for me to take care of and since I always had her I wouldn't know what to do when she was gone. I had been asleep for at least 2 hours when my phone began to ring. "Hello?" "Y/n, I don't know what to do. She won't stop crying. She's crying for you. Help." Harry said frantically. "Put the phone to her ear." I said. "Here, baby. Talk to mommy." "Mama?" I heard her ask. "Yeah, baby. Mama." Harry said. "Mama." She said into the phone. "Hi, sweetheart. What's wrong?" "I want you. I don't want Daddy. I want you." She cried. "Baby, just calm. Put daddy back on the phone." "What do I do?" Harry asked. "I don't know, Harry. She's never like this with me. Do you want me to come get her?" I asked. "Will come and calm her down? I can't Y/n. I can't do it." "Alright. Alright, I'll be there soon. Just stay calm and don't freak out." I hung up and got out of bed and put on my shoes and got into my car. The drive to Harry's only took 15 minutes since he still lived in the house we used to share. Once I got there I knocked on the door and Harry's maid opened the door. "Hello. It's nice to see you again." She said. "It's good to see you again, too." "Mr. Styles is in the nursery with your child." She said closing the door behind me. "Thank you." I said before walking to Sage's room. "Harry?" I called for him. When I walked in he was placing Sage in her crib. "Hey, you got her to sleep." I said quietly. "Yeah, I guess I did." He smiled. "How did you do it?" I asked. "Well, that's how she's like you. You used to fall asleep when I would sing to you. I thought of it and then sang to her and she fell asleep right away."

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