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~ One Year Later ~

Harry and I didn't work things out. We loved each other very much, but we couldn't get along for anything. He started his attitudes again and now he has this personality that he's better than everyone. Sometimes he won't even meet me to come and get his daughter so he could spend time with her. Yes she's a handful, but he needed to learn how to be a father. Right now I was on the phone with him trying to get him to meet me since it was his weekend with her. " Are you picking Sage up or not,Harry?" I asked annoyed. "I had her earlier this week. I don't want - " " Dont you dare finish that sentence, Harry. She's your fucking daughter." I said. Sage started crying in the backseat. " Honey, calm down. " I said to her. Harry groaned. " Where are you? I'll meet you." "Promise you'll spend time with her?" I asked. "Yes. I promise. Where are you?" He asked. His toned was rude. "Just meet where we usually meet. I have to go." "Whatever, bab - Y / n. I'll be there in 10." He said before he hung up. I drove to the parking lot and parked the car. I got out and opened the backseat door. "Mama!" Sage yelled as she threw her arms in the air and smiled. " Hi, baby." I said. I picked up her toys and bottle. "Dada?" "Yes. You get to see daddy." I said. Harry's car zoomed up and stopped abruptly and I turned around quickly. " I really hope you don't drive like that with Sage in the car." He rolled his eyes. "I don't, bab - Y / n." I rolled my eyes at him as Sage threw her toy on the ground. I took her out of her seat and handed her to Harry before picking her toy up. I caught Harry starring and I quickly stood up. "Don't, Harry." I snapped. "Even having a baby, you still look good." He smirked. I huffed. "Hi, baby girl. Did you miss daddy?" He asked Sage before she giggled. "We need to talk, Y/n." He said before he placed Sage in her seat in his car.

"What do you need to talk about?" I asked. "I'm not going to be taking Sage anymore. I have other things to worry about." He said I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow. "And what is more important than spending time with your daughter?" I snapped. "It's non of your business. I don't want to take her anymore." "You inconsiderate bastard!" I yelled before I closed the door of his car so Sage couldn't hear what we were saying. "You can't just quit being a dad, Harry. That's not how this works. Just because your daughter doesn't fit into your celebrity life, you can't just throw her out like she's trash." "She's not even mine! You probably slept around after we split!" He yelled. My jaw dropped and I opened the car door back up revealing my daughter. Her sparkling Emerald eyes and brown curly hair. She smiled showing the same dimple her father has. "Tell me she's not yours one more time, you prick." Harry's eyes went to Sage and back to me. She was a spitting image of her father and he knew that. "Maybe we should just stop the visits today and I should just take her back." I said. "No. I want my daughter!" "I thought you said she wasn't yours." I said mimicking him. He rolled his eyes. "This is exactly why we aren't together! I loved you and you always pushed me away and treated me like shit! You were my girl! I gave you everything you ever wanted-" "Harry the only person you loved, was yourself. You don't even want to spend time with your own daughter. I never pushed you away. I wasn't the one who cheated. That was you. You gave me things you thought I wanted. I never asked you for anything. All I need was for you to be there for me and love me and you couldn't even do that. The only good thing you did was give me that beautiful baby. That's it. So don't you dare make us splitting up my fault!" I put Sage's baby bag into Harry's car and kissed Sage goodbye before I got into my car and drove away I as Harry stood there alone.

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