Chapter 7

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I gained my breathing back before Harry pulled his pants back up. "That was amazing. I needed that." He said. I pulled my shirt back over my shoulders. "Best 10 minutes of my life." He said making me laugh. My body felt limp and I could barely button my shirt. "Here, baby girl. Let me help." Harry said. He knew what he just did to me. "I love you." I said. The words flowed out of my mouth. "I love you, sweetheart." He said before he kissed me. "When you said that was all you needed you weren't kidding." I said making him laugh. He finished buttoning my shirt and I hopped off my desk and pulled my tight black skirt down. "God, you're so hot." Harry said pushing his lips to mine again. "Do you think we were loud?" I asked. "Well, I wasn't, but oh baby, you screamed my name so loud." He said in my ear. There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. Josie walked in handing me papers. "Um, the editor would like to see you." She said. She gave a Harry a small smile. "Mr. Styles, you decided to start visting again I can tell." She said. Harry nodded. "Yes, Josie I have." "I'll print these copies for you right away, Mrs. Styles." She said grabbing papers off my desk. "Thank you, Josie." I said before she walked out. "You need to leave. I'm going to get fired." I said. Harry kissed me before we walked out. He walked out first and everyone started clapping and cheering. "Get it, Y/n!" One of my friends yelled. Harry bowed. "Get back to work, guys. And you," I pointed to Harry. "The exit is that way." I said as we walked out. I walked Harry to the front so he could leave. "How long is your interview?" I asked. "I don't know. I think an hour or two." He said. He leaned in and kissed me softly. "I might have to stay at work a little late tonight it depends on what the editor wants." "Okay, baby. That's fine. The guys wanted to go out for a few drinks tonight. So, I'll hangout with them for a little bit." "Mrs. Styles, you have a call waitinf for you." The Josie said. "Okay, I'll be there in a second." I said to her. I looked back at Harry who was smirking. "What?" I asked. "I love hearing them call you that." He mumbled agaisnt my lips. " Alright, I have to go. I'm busy. Make good choices tonight when you go out." "I will. I love you so, so much." Harry said before he kissed me. I let go of his hand as he walked out of the doors and I walked back to my office to answer the call. Once I finished that I walked up to the editor's office. He asked me to make different format ideas for the magazine, so I turns out that I did have to stay later. Hours passed and I looked at the clock. It was almost 10:30. I sighed before cleaning up a little and then leaving the building. When I got home Harry wasn't back yet so I washed my face and put on my tshirt and pajama shorts before getting into bed. I must've fell asleep because I was woken by a drunk Harry stumbling into the bedroom. He saw me on the bed and smiled before slipping out of his jeans and shirt and climbing into bed. "Couple drinks, huh, babe?" "It's their fault. They got me drunk." He giggled. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my jaw before he snuggled his face into my neck. He hadn't held me like this in forever. "Haz?" "Yes, baby?" He slurred looking down at me. "I love you." I said quietly. "I love you more, pumpkin." He poked the tip of my nose with his finger causing us to giggle. "Goodnight, beautiful." He said before we fell asleep.

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