Chapter 14: Barbie doll.

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Anonymous POV:

Look at her, her beauty, her body and just her personality. I hate hate her, I want to kill her and have her beauty for me. She took something I wanted for a very long time but she now has it, she has everything.

You bitch.

You bitch.

You bitch.

Let's play.

She groans.

"Where am I?" She looks around, she's bemused unable to tell where she is.

I laugh.

"Who are you?" She asks.

Oh, Vicki if you only new who I was.

"You know your gorgeous, pretty girl." I come close to her.

"Who are you!!!!?" She asks.

"I don't think you would like to find out, it would scare you." I'm in the dark, she can't see me and she can't distinct my voice.

"Then what do you want from me?" She asks, she pouts.

"Everything that you have." I say.

"Take it then!" She shouts.

"Not yet, I still want to play with you. Like I said game on."



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