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"Good morning class."

"Good morning Mrs. Manoban." I heard the whole class repeat after her.

"So as you may know, we have a new student joining us. Mr. Seo may you please introduce yourself?" She positioned her hands up front for me to go.

I awkwardly got up and went to the front of the class. I took a deep breath and started speaking.

"Hello my name is Seo Changbin. I am 19 years old and I came from Korea." I said and bowed.

"I also came from Korea!" I heard a yell.

"Yes mister Yang jeongin, we know."

"Ok so. Thank you very much mister Seo. Please head back to your seat. Class i hope you make him feel welcomed." She smiled as i went back to my seat.

"Ok now time for class."

~°~°~°~°^Time skip to lunch^°~°~°~°~°

"Ok so this is the way to the library and that way is the garden."

"You guys have a garden here? That's so cool."

"Yeah i know right. Ok now come on. We still have about 15 minutes of lunch." We head towards the cafeteria and there's so many people. (my social anxiety could never-)

"Come over here." Minho held my hand and pushed through a crowd of people. We soon made it to the front of the lunch line and waited for our food.

"Can't they give better food?" We heard a voice say next to us.

"Seungmin don't complain. Next time bring your own fo-"


The person that was talking suddenly tripped, causing his food to fall over someone's shoes.

"A-ah I'm so sorry." Jeongin, i think that's his name? He looks like the one that yelled out that he's also from korea. He started picking up the food.

The guy that had the food on his shoes, grabbed jeongin by the collar and spoke in a stern voice. "You better fucking clean this mess before i fucking kill you." He threw jeongin on the floor, causing food to get on his clothes.

I felt bad so i started helping him. He turned to me and i noticed tears in his eyes.

"T-thank you." He said with a smile and looked back to the floor.

"You're welcome." I grabbed a napkin that jeongin had on his plate and started cleaning the guy's shoes. I finished and stood up. Jeongin had all his food and trash on his plate and stood up from the ground.

I look up at the guy and notice that he's  taller than me.

"When you want someone to do something, just ask nicely. There's no damage to that." I smiled and went to clean jeongin's clothes.

"Come with me i have extra clothes." Jeongin placed his plate on a table and
I took a hold of his hand.

"Minho I'll be back ok?" Minho nodded his head and i took jeongin to the restroom.

"Here." I took out some jeans and a t-shirt.

"Thank you. Can you please wait for me?"

"Yeah sure." It took him about 4 minutes until he was finally done.

"Ok I'm done. Let's go." We headed back to the cafeteria and we saw minho and seungmin? I think that's his name. Sitting together. We made our way over there and sat down.

"Wow changbin that was really brave." Minho patted me on the back. I gave him a confused look. Isn't someone gonna help another person that was being bullied?

"Uh why? I was just helping someone who was bullying him."

"Changbin you don't know this but the guy that you just stood up to was Bang Chan. He's one of the bad boys in school. No one disrespects him."

"Well I'll take my chance when i have to help someone. It doesn't matter who they are."

"I guess so but if you found out what kinds of things he did, I don't know if you would still help jeongin."

"I would still help. I wouldn't want any drama in my life so I'll just try to get along with some people." I said.

"Well now you got yourself a friend. My name in Yang jeongin and this is my best friend Kim seungmin."

"Oh nice to meet you seungmin."

"Nice to meet you changbin. So are you enjoying school far? Any problems?"

"Every teacher has been nice and they teach really good. I also have classes with minho, so that makes school even better."

"Yup. After lunch we have p.e, so get ready to do exercise." Minho said.

"We have to do exercise?" I asked.

"Yup, but it just for about 10 minutes and the rest of the time, you can do whatever you want."

"That a good thing. I don't think i would be able to hand a whole hour of doing exercise."

"Trust me, me either." Minho said.

"You guys have p.e also? Me and jeongin also have that class. Can we be with you guys?" Seungmin asked.

"Of course. You're always welcomed."



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