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Me and minho where headed to our last class, history. Until i realised I forgot my notes in my locker.

"Just go on ahead. I'll be there on a bit. Let me just get my notes real quick." I told minho who was coming along with me towards my locker.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come along? It wouldn't be a problem for me to go with you."

"It's ok. I'll catch up with you in a while ok?"

"Hm ok. See you in a bit."

"See you." I said and he headed towards class.

I walk towards my locker and open it. Since my notes are so neat, i easily spotted my history notes. I took them out of my locker and turn around to go to class, but someone was standing in my way. Chan and his group of friends.

"Hey baby."

"I'm not your baby. What do you want?" I asked blankly.

"Well you see-"

"Oh I know! You're here to discuss the project for math right?"

"What n-"

"Oh ok. So we'll each do half and half. We will show all steps. If you want, we can go to the library to start on it. Got it? Ok bye." I go past him and head to my class.


"Ugh! Why is it so hard with him? People would be honored that i even look at them and him? He doesn't even care. Why?"

"That's tough man." Jisung said and patted me on the back.


I'm glad he didn't disagree with the project. Maybe he's not so bad.

So i have to start working on one problem and start showing steps. He could do his own problem and start doing his steps. I guess that would work. I should have told him at what time we should start discussing and at what time we should meet.

I'll meet him after school. I should focus on history now. This is the only class I'm struggling with.

Ok after school I'll talk to him for sure.

~°~°~°~°^After school^°~°~°~°~

"Hey chan!" He pauses in his place and turns around.

"Aww did you miss me?"

"What? Of course not. I'm here to talk about the project for math."

"What about it?" He gave me a confusing look.

"Well we only have three days to complete it, so might as well get started today right?"

"You know what?.. yeah sure why not?"

"Dude are you actually-"

"Shut it Jisung."

"Jeez sorry."

"So are we like going to do it right now?" Chan asked.

"Well yeah. Come on let's go." I grab his hand and lead him to the library. We arrived and placed all our things on an empty table.

We both sat down.

"Time to work."



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