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Ring Ring Ring

"Well, time for p.e." Minho said and stood up to throw his plate away. We all followed behind and soon headed to the gym.

"This gym is huge." I said. In my other school, my gym was really little.

"Yup. We have one of the biggest gyms. Let's go put our stuff over there." Jeongin pointed on some bleachers and we all went over there.

"Do they give you clothes or we have to being our own?" I asked.

"The coach will give you clothes." I nodded my head and set my stuff on the bleachers.

"Good afternoon class." We heard the coach speak up.

"Morning Coach Jungkook" (he's older here)

"So you know the usuals, 10 laps around the gym."

"He's hot." I blurted out.

"Yeah he is. Not gonna lie. All the girls are over him, too bad for them, he's gay." Seungmin said.

"W-what? How do you know?" I asked.

"Me and jeongin saw him and Mister Taehyung making out and he's friends' with the principal so he can't get fired. But also be careful around him. I heard that he also likes to "mess around with people" just a warning." Seungmin said.


"Well go tell the coach that you don't have p.e clothes. We'll be changing while you ask." Jeongin said.

I nodded my head and headed towards the coach.

"Hey coach?" I said and he turned his attention towards me.


"I don't have gym clothes."

"Are you new here? I've never seen you around before." He asked and grabbed my chin. He pulled me close to his face, our lips inches apart. I felt myself heat up.

"A-ah yes I am new here." I said and took his hand off my chin.

"Well come with me." I followed him into an office and he closed the door behind me. He pulled out a box and took some shorts and a shirt out.

"Ok so here you are. I assume you know where the bathroom is?"

"Ah yes i do know. Thank you." I turn around and grab the handle, only for a pair of arms to wrap around my waist.

"U-uh coach?" I asked, trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't move or budge at all. What the hell? How strong is he?

"It's no use, you can't get out of my strong grip." He said and leaned into my ear.

"P-please let me go. I have to go back with my friends."

"Just leave them, stay here with me. No one will notice that we're here together. Everyone is paying attention to the exercise that i told them to do." I feel a smirk form on his lips close to my ear.

I still struggle getting out of his grip and then notice someone, Seungmin. He stared directly at me, thank goodness there a little window on this door, his eyes widened.

I mouthed a help me and he understood right away. He ran towards me and knocked on the window. The coach lifted his head up from my ear and stared at seungmin.

If looks could kill, the coach would have been dead. He let go of my waist and opened the door.

"May I help you mister Kim?" Jungkook asked like if he hadn't done anything to me.

"Yes. I'm here to take my friend back." Seungmin grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the office, leading me to the restroom.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. Like i said 'be careful'. I'll wait here for you while you change so he won't come in here and bother you."

"Thank you." I head inside a stall and start changing. The clothes for me a bit big, but it's not that bad.

"Thank you for waiting for me. Come on let's go."

We exit the bathroom and see a lot of people doing their own things. I spot jeongin and minho, we head over to them and hear a conversation.

"Can you believe that?" I heard jeongin ask.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask.

"Chan got into a fight and sent someone to the hospital." Minho said.

My eyes widened. The guy that was bullying jeongin did that!? How crazy is this guy?

"Did he get suspended? There's no way they could have let him go like that."

"Don't worry, he got suspended for a week." Jeongin said.

"Oh. I never knew he was that bad. He looked nice but sounded mean though."

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Minho laughed.

"I won't now." I said.



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